Invited speakers

Hugo Herbelein
Monika Seisenberger

Accepted papers

Stéphane Lengrand, University of St Andrews & PPS and
Alexandre Miquel, PPS & University Paris 7
A classical version of system F-omega
Yevgeniy Makarov, Indiana University Simplifying Programs Extracted from Classical Proofs
Kentaro Kikuchi, RIEC, Tohoku University Call-by-Name Reduction and Cut-Elimination in Classical Logic
Stefano Berardi, C.S. Dept. ,Univ. of Turin and
Yoriyuki Yamagata, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
A sequent calculus for Limit Computable Mathematics
Lutz Strassburger, INRIA Futurs What is a Boolean Category ?

Short paper / note

Robert Meyer, CSL, Australian National University Types, Relevance & Classical Logic
Silvia Likavec, Universita di Torino, Italy and Pierre Lescanne, ENS Lyon, France On untyped Curien-Herbelin calculus
Christian Urban, Technical University of Munich and Diana Ratiu, University of Munich Classical Logic is better than Intuitionistic Logic: A Conjecture about Double-Negation Translations