1 --simple.hs--
    2 -- The Simple code:
    3 --  translated to haskell by an id to ph translator, hand annotated for toplevel
    4 --  types, constant types and array strictness.  Toplevel comments were readded 
    5 --  by hand.
    8 --
    9 -- %%% Id Example Program
   10 -- %%% Title: SIMPLE (with higher order functions)
   11 -- %%% Original Author: Kattamuri Ekanadham <EKNATH@ibm.com>
   13 -- %%% Author's Comments:
   14 -- % Date: 1 Nov 89 13:33:44 EST
   15 -- % From: Kattamuri Ekanadham <EKNATH@ibm.com>
   16 -- % Subject: simple89
   17 -- % To:   jamey%au-bon-pain.lcs.mit.edu@relay.cs.net
   19 -- % RPaul:
   20 -- % I compared the equations in CSG 273 with this code for the following
   21 -- % computations: velocity, position, area/volume/density , artificial-viscosity
   22 -- %   and heat-conduction.
   23 -- %  - I fixed the area computation in zone_area. (equation 24)
   24 -- %  - both equation 24 and the code are still missing the constant 
   25 -- %   factor of 2pi in the volume computation
   26 -- %  - the code for artifical viscocity (equation 27) were missing upper_disc^2
   27 -- %   and lower_disc^2
   28 -- %  - the code for interior_cc (equation 37) was missing theta_hat^5/2
   29 -- %  - the initial condition for heat is now 10.0 (was .0001)
   30 -- %  
   31 -- % --------------
   32 -- % Jamey:
   33 -- % I finally re-constructed the scenario that worked some time ago.
   34 -- % The following is a program with all defs and built in constant of
   35 -- % size = 10. Try this. This should run well.
   36 -- % If so, you may try replacing defs by defsubsts and try.
   37 -- % -eknath.
   38 -- % --------------
   39 -- % eknath : 9/15/89 : the following code is taken directly from the simple paper
   40 -- % SIMPLE89-DEFS-OPEN : This has no defsubsts and all constants are in line.
   41 -- % The last function simple is invoked with just the number of iterations.
   42 -- % Ideally what we want is to wrap this whole thing into the function simple and
   43 -- % make grid-max as the second argument for it.
   46 module Main where
   47 import Array
   48 import Ix
   49 infixr 1 =:
   50 type Assoc a b = (a,b)
   51 (=:) = (,)
   53 main = getContents >>= \ userInput -> runSimple (lines userInput)
   55 runSimple :: [String] -> IO ()
   56 runSimple inputLines = 
   57   readInt "Run_simple :  " inputLines >>= \ num1 ->
   58   if num1 >= 0  then reportSimple num1 else reportSimple2 (- num1)
   60 readInt:: String -> [String] -> IO Int
   61 readInt prompt inputLines =
   62       putStr prompt >>
   63       (case inputLines of 
   64          (l1:rest) -> case (reads l1) of
   65                        [(x,"")] -> return x
   66                        _ -> error "Error"
   67          _ -> error "Eof Error")
   69 reportSimple :: Int -> IO ()
   70 reportSimple iterations =
   71   putStrLn
   72     (mix "\n" (let {(u,v,r,z,alpha,s,rho,p,q,epsilon,theta,deltat,err) = simple_total iterations}
   73                         in [show "RESULT u,v,r,z,alpha,s,rho,p,q,epsilon,theta,deltat err",
   74                             show "<" ++ show u ++ "," ++ show v ++ "," ++ show r ++ "," ++ show z ++ ","
   75                             ++ show alpha ++ "," ++ show s ++ "," ++ show rho ++ "," ++ show p ++ ","
   76                             ++ show q ++ ","++ show epsilon ++ ","++ show theta ++ ","
   77                             ++ show deltat ++ ","++ show err ++ ">" ])
   78                      ++ "\n" ++ "done")
   81 reportSimple2 :: Int -> IO ()
   82 reportSimple2 iterations =
   83   putStrLn
   84     (mix "\n" (let {((mat0,mat1),(mat2,mat3),mat4,mat5,mat6,mat7,mat8,mat9,mat10,a,b) = simple iterations}
   85                         in [show "RESULT ",show "U",show mat0,show "V",show mat1,show "R",
   86                             show mat2,show "Z", show mat3,show "Alpha", show mat4,show "S",
   87                             show mat5,show "Rho", show mat6,show "P",
   88                             show mat7,show "Q", show mat8,show "epsilon", show mat9,"theta",
   89                             show mat10,show a, show b])
   90                      ++ "\n" ++ "done")
   94 mix s [] = []
   95 mix s [x] = x
   96 mix s (x:xs) = x ++ s ++ mix s xs
  100 -- pH prelude functions
  101 type Zone = (Int,Int)
  102 type DblArray = (Array Zone Double)
  103 type DblVector = (Array (Int) Double)
  104 type ArrayDim = (Zone,Zone)
  105 type VectorDim = Zone
  106 type State = ((DblArray, DblArray), (DblArray, DblArray), DblArray, DblArray, DblArray, DblArray, DblArray, DblArray, DblArray, Double, Double)
  107 type Totals = (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
  110 arrays_2 :: (Ix a) => (a, a) -> [Assoc a (b, c)] -> (Array a b, Array a c)
  111 arrays_2 b ivs = ((array b (array_unzip ivs fst)),
  112                   (array b (array_unzip ivs snd)))
  114 arrays_3 :: (Ix a) => (a, a) -> [Assoc a (b, c, d)] -> (Array a b, Array a c, Array a d)
  115 arrays_3 b ivs = let {first (x,y,z) = x;
  116                       second (x,y,z) = y;
  117                       third  (x,y,z) = z}
  118                    in (array b (array_unzip ivs first),
  119                        array b (array_unzip ivs second),       
  120                        array b (array_unzip ivs third))
  122 -- Strict Arrays, force evaluation of the elements.
  123 strictArray resultArray = seq (map evalValue (elems resultArray)) resultArray
  124         where evalValue v = seq v v
  126 strictArrays_2 (a1, a2) = (strictArray a1, strictArray a2)
  127 strictArrays_3 (a1, a2, a3) = (strictArray a1, strictArray a2, strictArray a3)
  132 array_unzip :: [Assoc a b] -> (b -> c) -> [Assoc a c]
  133 array_unzip ivs sel = [ i =: (sel vs) | (i, vs) <- ivs]
  135 pHbounds :: ((a, b), (c, d)) -> ((a, c), (b, d))
  136 pHbounds ((x_low,x_high),(y_low,y_high)) = ((x_low,y_low),(x_high,y_high))
  137 --- end pH prelude
  138 --- end of driver
  139 ---
  140 ---
  142 ---
  143 {- # INCLUDE "list-library"# -}
  145 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  146 -- %% Simple (toplevel function)
  147 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  149 simple :: Int -> State
  150 simple step_count = let {
  151                          (totals,state) = simple_loop (compute_initial_state ()) step_count
  152                         } in state
  154 simple_total :: Int -> Totals
  155 simple_total step_count = 
  156                         let {
  157                              (totals,state) = simple_loop (compute_initial_state ()) step_count
  158                             } in totals
  160 simple_loop ::  (Totals,State) -> Int -> (Totals,State)
  161 simple_loop result@(totals,state) step = 
  162                                 if step < 1 then result else 
  163                                    seq (total_total totals) (simple_loop (compute_next_state state))
  164                                       (step - (1::Int))
  166 total_total (v1, v2, x1, x2, alpha, s, rho, 
  167                 p, q, epsilon, theta, deltat, c) =
  168    v1 + v2 + x1 + x2 + alpha + s + rho + 
  169                 p + q + epsilon + theta + deltat + c
  171 total :: (Ix a) => (Array a Double) -> Double
  172 total a = foldl (+) (0.0 :: Double) (elems a)
  174 total_state :: State -> Totals
  175 total_state state = 
  176    let {
  177        ((v1, v2), (x1, x2), alpha, s, rho, p, q, epsilon, theta, deltat, c) = 
  178           state ;
  179        v1' = total v1 ;
  180        v2' = total v2 ;
  181        x1' = total x1 ;
  182        x2' = total x2 ;
  183        alpha' = total alpha ;
  184        s' = total s ;
  185        rho' = total rho ;
  186        p' = total p ;
  187        q' = total q ;
  188        epsilon' = total epsilon ;
  189        theta' = total theta ;
  190        state' = (v1', v2', x1', x2', alpha', s', rho', 
  191                 p', q', epsilon', theta', deltat, c)
  192        } in state'
  194 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  195 -- %% Compute_next_state
  196 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  198 compute_next_state :: State -> (Totals,State)
  199 compute_next_state state = 
  200    let {
  201        state' = (v', x', alpha', s', rho', p', q', 
  202                 epsilon', theta', deltat', c') ;
  203        (v, x, alpha, s, rho, p, q, epsilon, theta, deltat, c) = 
  204           state ;
  205        v' = make_velocity v x p q alpha rho deltat ;
  206        x' = make_position x deltat v' ;
  207        (alpha', s', rho') = make_area_density_volume 
  208                                rho s x' ;
  209        (q', d) = make_viscosity p v' x' alpha' rho' ;
  210        theta_hat = make_temperature p epsilon rho theta 
  211                       rho' q' ;
  212        p' = make_pressure rho' theta' ;
  213        epsilon' = make_energy rho' theta' ;
  214        (theta', gamma_k, gamma_l) = 
  215           compute_heat_conduction theta_hat deltat x' alpha' 
  216                                        rho' ;
  217        c' = compute_energy_error v' x' p' q' epsilon' 
  218                theta' rho' alpha' gamma_k gamma_l deltat ;
  219        (deltat', delta_t_c, delta_t_h) = 
  220           compute_time_step d theta_hat theta'
  221        } in (total_state state', state')
  223 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  224 -- %% Compute_initial_state
  225 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  227 compute_initial_state :: a -> (Totals,State)
  228 compute_initial_state _ = 
  229    let {
  230        state = (v, x, alpha, s, rho, p, q, epsilon, 
  231                theta, deltat, c) ;
  232        v = (all_zero_nodes (), all_zero_nodes ()) ;
  233        x = 
  234           let {
  235               interior_position (k, l) = 
  236                  let {
  237                      rp = fromIntegral (lmax - lmin) ;
  238                      z1 = fromIntegral ((10 + k) - kmin) ;
  239                      zz = ((- (0.5::Double)) + (fromIntegral (l - lmin)) 
  240                           / rp) * (pi::Double)
  241                      } in ((z1::Double) * (cos (zz::Double)), z1 * (sin zz))
  242               } in make_position_matrix interior_position ;
  243        (alpha, s) = 
  244           let {
  245               reflect_area_vol reflect_function = 
  246                  (reflect_function alpha', reflect_function s') ;
  247               (alpha', s') = (arrays_2 (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  248                               ([zone=: zone_area_vol x zone
  249                                    | zone <- interior_zones]++
  250                                [zone=: reflect_area_vol (reflect_south zone)
  251                                    | zone <- north_zones]++
  252                                [zone=: reflect_area_vol (reflect_north zone)
  253                                    | zone <- south_zones]++
  254                                [zone=: reflect_area_vol (reflect_west zone)
  255                                    | zone <- east_zones]++
  256                                [zone=: reflect_area_vol (reflect_east zone)
  257                                    | zone <- west_zones]))
  258               } in strictArrays_2 (alpha', s') ;
  259        rho = strictArray (array (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  260               ([zone=: (1.4::Double) | zone <- all_zones])) ;
  261        p = make_pressure rho theta ;
  262        q = all_zero_zones () ;
  263        epsilon = make_energy rho theta ;
  264        theta = strictArray (array (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  265                 ([zone=: (10.0::Double) | zone <- interior_zones]++
  266                  [zone=: constant_heat_source
  267                      | zone <- north_zones]++
  268                  [zone=: constant_heat_source
  269                      | zone <- south_zones]++
  270                  [zone=: constant_heat_source
  271                      | zone <- east_zones]++
  272                  [zone=: constant_heat_source
  273                      | zone <- west_zones])) ;
  274        deltat = (0.01::Double) ;
  275        c = (0.0 :: Double)
  276        } in (total_state state, state)
  278 line_integral :: DblArray -> DblArray -> (Int,Int) -> Double
  279 line_integral p z node = 
  280           (((p!zone_a node) * ((z!west node) - (z!north node)) 
  281                                  + (p!zone_b node) * ((z!south node) 
  282                                  - (z!west node))) + (p!zone_c node) 
  283                                 * ((z!east node) - (z!south node))) 
  284                                 + (p!zone_d node) * ((z!north node) 
  285                                 - (z!east node)) 
  287 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  288 -- %% Make_velocity
  289 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  292 make_velocity :: (DblArray, DblArray) -> (DblArray, DblArray) -> DblArray -> DblArray -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> Double -> (DblArray, DblArray)
  293 make_velocity (u, w) (r, z) p q alpha rho deltat = 
  295    let {
  296        regional_mass node = (0.5::Double) * ((((rho!zone_a node) * (alpha!zone_a node) 
  297                                     + (rho!zone_b node) * (alpha!zone_b node)) 
  298                                    + (rho!zone_c node) * (alpha!zone_c node)) 
  299                             + (rho!zone_d node) * (alpha!zone_d node)) ;
  300        velocity node = 
  301           let {
  302               d = regional_mass node ;
  303               n1 = - (line_integral (p :: DblArray) (z :: DblArray) (node :: (Int,Int)))
  304                    - line_integral q z node ;
  305               n2 = line_integral (p :: DblArray) (r :: DblArray) (node :: (Int,Int)) 
  306                    + line_integral (q :: DblArray) r node ;
  307               u_dot = (n1 :: Double) / (d :: Double) ;
  308               w_dot = (n2 :: Double) / (d :: Double)
  309               } in ((u!node) + deltat * u_dot, 
  310                    (w!node) + deltat * w_dot)
  311        } in strictArrays_2 (arrays_2 (pHbounds dimension_interior_nodes)
  312              ([node=: velocity node | node <- interior_nodes]))
  314 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  315 -- %% Make_position
  316 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  318 make_position :: (DblArray, DblArray) -> Double -> (Array (Int,Int) Double, DblArray) -> (DblArray, DblArray)
  319 make_position (r, z) deltat (u', w') = 
  320    let {
  321        interior_position node = 
  322           ((r!node) + deltat * (u'!node), (z!node) + deltat * (w'!node))
  323        } in make_position_matrix interior_position
  325 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  326 -- %% Make_area_density_volume
  327 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  329 make_area_density_volume :: (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray, DblArray) -> (DblArray, DblArray, DblArray)
  330 make_area_density_volume rho s x' = 
  331    let {
  332        interior_area zone = 
  333           let {
  334               (area, vol) = zone_area_vol x' zone ;
  335               density = ((rho!zone) * (s!zone)) / vol
  336               } in (area, vol, density) ;
  337        reflect_area_vol_density reflect_function = 
  338           (reflect_function alpha', 
  339           reflect_function s', reflect_function rho') ;
  340        (alpha', s', rho') = (arrays_3 (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  341                              ([zone=: interior_area zone
  342                                   | zone <- interior_zones]++
  343                               [zone=: reflect_area_vol_density 
  344                                          (reflect_south zone)
  345                                   | zone <- north_zones]++
  346                               [zone=: reflect_area_vol_density 
  347                                          (reflect_north zone)
  348                                   | zone <- south_zones]++
  349                               [zone=: reflect_area_vol_density 
  350                                          (reflect_west zone)
  351                                   | zone <- east_zones]++
  352                               [zone=: reflect_area_vol_density 
  353                                          (reflect_east zone)
  354                                   | zone <- west_zones]))
  355        } in strictArrays_3 (alpha', s', rho')
  357 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  358 -- %% Make_viscosity
  359 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  362 c0 = 1.22474487
  364 c1 = 0.50
  366 make_viscosity :: (DblArray) -> (DblArray, DblArray) -> (DblArray, DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray, DblArray)
  367 make_viscosity p (u', w') (r', z') alpha' rho' = 
  368    let {
  369        interior_viscosity zone = 
  370           let {
  371               upper_del f = (0.5::Double) * (((f!zone_corner_southeast zone) 
  372                                    - (f!zone_corner_northeast zone)) 
  373                             + (f!zone_corner_southwest zone) 
  374                             - (f!zone_corner_northwest zone)) ;
  375               lower_del f = (0.5::Double) * (((f!zone_corner_southeast zone) 
  376                                    - (f!zone_corner_southwest zone)) 
  377                             + (f!zone_corner_northeast zone) 
  378                             - (f!zone_corner_northwest zone)) ;
  379               xi = (upper_del r') ^ (2::Int) + (upper_del z') 
  380                    ^ (2::Int) ;
  381               eta = (lower_del r') ^ (2::Int) + (lower_del z') 
  382                     ^ (2::Int) ;
  383               upper_disc = (upper_del r') * (lower_del w') 
  384                            - (upper_del z') * (lower_del u') ;
  385               lower_disc = (upper_del u') * (lower_del z') 
  386                            - (upper_del w') * (lower_del r') ;
  387               upper_ubar = if upper_disc < (0.0 :: Double) then 
  388                              upper_disc ^ (2::Int) / xi else 
  389                              (0.0 :: Double) ;
  390               lower_ubar = if lower_disc < (0.0 :: Double) then 
  391                              lower_disc ^ (2::Int) / eta else 
  392                              (0.0 :: Double) ;
  393               gamma = 1.6 ;
  394               speed_of_sound = (gamma * (p!zone)) / (rho'!zone) ;
  395               ubar = upper_ubar + lower_ubar ;
  396               viscosity = (rho'!zone) * ((c0 ^ (2::Int) / 4.0) * ubar 
  397                           + ((c1 / (2.0::Double)) * speed_of_sound) 
  398                           * (sqrt ubar)) ;
  399               length = sqrt ((upper_del r') ^ (2::Int) + (lower_del r') 
  400                             ^ (2::Int)) ;
  401               courant_delta = ((0.5::Double) * (alpha'!zone)) 
  402                               / speed_of_sound * length
  403               } in (viscosity, courant_delta) ;
  404        reflect_viscosity_cdelta direction zone = 
  405           ((q'!direction zone) * (qb!(nbc!zone)), (0.0 :: Double)) ;
  406        (q', d) = (arrays_2 (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  407                   ([zone=: interior_viscosity zone
  408                        | zone <- interior_zones]++
  409                    [zone=: reflect_viscosity_cdelta 
  410                               south zone | zone <- north_zones]++
  411                    [zone=: reflect_viscosity_cdelta 
  412                               north zone | zone <- south_zones]++
  413                    [zone=: reflect_viscosity_cdelta 
  414                               west zone | zone <- east_zones]++
  415                    [zone=: reflect_viscosity_cdelta 
  416                               east zone | zone <- west_zones]))
  417        } in strictArrays_2 (q', d)
  419 polynomial ::  (Array (Int, Int) (DblArray)) -> Int -> (Array Int Double) -> (Array Int Double) -> Double -> Double -> Double
  420 polynomial g degree rho_table theta_table rho_value theta_value = 
  422    let {
  423        table_search table value = 
  424           let {
  425               (low, high) = bounds table ;
  426               search_down i = if value > (table!(i - 1)) then 
  427                                 i else search_down (i - 1)
  428               } in if value > (table!high) then 
  429                      high + 1 else if value <= (table!low) then 
  430                                      low else search_down high ;
  431        rho_index = table_search rho_table rho_value ;
  432        theta_index = table_search theta_table theta_value ;
  433        a = g!(rho_index, theta_index)
  434        } in sum_list [ ((a!(i, j)) * rho_value ^ (i::Int)) 
  435                        * theta_value ^ j | i <- [0..degree],j <- 
  436                                            [0..degree] ]
  438 zonal_pressure :: Double -> Double -> Double
  439 zonal_pressure rho_value theta_value = 
  440    let {
  441        (g, degree, rho_table, theta_table) = extract_pressure_tables_from_constants
  442        } in polynomial g degree rho_table theta_table 
  443                rho_value theta_value
  445 zonal_energy :: Double -> Double -> Double
  446 zonal_energy rho_value theta_value = 
  447    let {
  448        (g, degree, rho_table, theta_table) = extract_energy_tables_from_constants
  449        } in polynomial g degree rho_table theta_table 
  450                rho_value theta_value
  452 dx :: Double
  453 dx = 1.0E-6 ::Double
  455 tiny :: Double
  456 tiny = 1.0E-6 ::Double
  458 newton_raphson :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double
  459 newton_raphson f x = newton_raphson_loop f x (f x)
  461 newton_raphson_loop :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Double
  462 newton_raphson_loop f x fx = if fx > tiny then 
  463                                let {
  464                                    fxdx = f (x + dx) ;
  465                                    denom = fxdx - fx ;
  466                                    (next_x, next_fx) = if denom < tiny then (x,
  467  tiny) 
  468                                                        else (x - (fx * dx) / denom, 
  469                                                             fxdx)
  470                                    } in newton_raphson_loop f next_x 
  471                                            next_fx 
  472                              else x
  474 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  475 -- %% Make_temperature
  476 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  478 make_temperature :: (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> DblArray
  479 make_temperature p epsilon rho theta rho' q' = 
  480    let {
  481        interior_temperature zone = 
  482           let {
  483               qkl = q'!zone ;
  484               rho_kl = rho!zone ;
  485               rho'_kl = rho'!zone ;
  486               tau_kl = 1.0 / rho'_kl - 1.0 / rho_kl ;
  487               energy_equation epsilon_kl theta_kl = 
  488                  epsilon_kl - zonal_energy rho_kl theta_kl ;
  489               revised_energy pkl = epsilon_0 - (pkl + qkl) 
  490                                    * tau_kl ;
  491               revised_temperature epsilon_kl theta_kl = 
  492                  newton_raphson (energy_equation epsilon_kl) 
  493                     theta_kl ;
  494               revised_pressure theta_kl = 
  495                  zonal_pressure rho_kl theta_kl ;
  496               epsilon_0 = epsilon!zone ;
  497               p_0 = p!zone ;
  498               theta_0 = theta!zone ;
  499               epsilon_1 = revised_energy p_0 ;
  500               theta_1 = revised_temperature epsilon_1 
  501                            theta_0 ;
  502               p_1 = revised_pressure theta_1 ;
  503               epsilon_2 = revised_energy p_1 ;
  504               theta_2 = revised_temperature epsilon_2 
  505                            theta_1
  506               } in theta_2
  507        } in strictArray (array (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  508              ([zone=: interior_temperature zone
  509                   | zone <- interior_zones]++
  510               [zone=: constant_heat_source
  511                   | zone <- north_zones]++
  512               [zone=: constant_heat_source
  513                   | zone <- south_zones]++
  514               [zone=: constant_heat_source
  515                   | zone <- east_zones]++
  516               [zone=: constant_heat_source
  517                   | zone <- west_zones]))
  519 make_cc :: (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> DblArray
  520 make_cc alpha' theta_hat = 
  521    let {
  522        interior_cc zone = ((0.0001::Double) * ((**) (theta_hat!zone) (2.5::Double))) 
  523                           / (alpha'!zone) ;
  524        cc = (array (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  525              ([zone=: interior_cc zone | zone <- interior_zones]++
  526               [zone=: reflect_south zone cc
  527                   | zone <- north_zones]++
  528               [zone=: reflect_north zone cc
  529                   | zone <- south_zones]++
  530               [zone=: reflect_west zone cc
  531                   | zone <- east_zones]++
  532               [zone=: reflect_east zone cc
  533                   | zone <- west_zones]))
  534        } in strictArray cc
  536 make_sigma :: Double -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> Array (Int,Int) Double
  537 make_sigma deltat rho' alpha' = 
  538    let {
  539        interior_sigma zone = (((rho'!zone) * (alpha'!zone)) 
  540                              * specific_heat) / deltat
  541        } in strictArray (array (pHbounds dimension_interior_zones)
  542              ([zone=: interior_sigma zone
  543                   | zone <- interior_zones]))
  545 make_gamma :: (DblArray, DblArray) -> (DblArray)-> ((Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)) -> ((Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)) -> DblArray
  546 make_gamma (r', z') cc succeeding adjacent = 
  547    let {
  548        interior_gamma zone = 
  549           let {
  550               r1 = r'!zone_corner_southeast zone ;
  551               z1 = z'!zone_corner_southeast zone ;
  552               r2 = r'!zone_corner_southeast (adjacent zone) ;
  553               z2 = z'!zone_corner_southeast (adjacent zone) ;
  554               cross_section = ((0.5::Double) * (r1 + r2)) * ((r1 - r2) ^ (2::Int) 
  555                               + (z1 - z2) ^ (2::Int)) ;
  556               (c1, c2) = (cc!zone, cc!succeeding zone) ;
  557               specific_conductivity = 
  558                  (((2.0::Double) * c1) * c2) / (c1 + c2)
  559               } in cross_section * specific_conductivity
  560        } in strictArray (array (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  561              ([zone=: interior_gamma zone
  562                   | zone <- interior_zones]++
  563               [zone=: (0.0 :: Double) | zone <- north_zones]++
  564               [zone=: (0.0 :: Double) | zone <- south_zones]++
  565               [zone=: (0.0 :: Double) | zone <- east_zones]++
  566               [zone=: (0.0 :: Double) | zone <- west_zones]))
  568 make_ab :: (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> ((Int, Int) -> (Int, Int))
  569  -> (DblArray, DblArray)
  570 make_ab theta sigma gamma preceding = 
  571    let {
  572        interior_ab zone = 
  573           let {
  574               denom = ((sigma!zone) + (gamma!zone)) 
  575                       + (gamma!preceding zone) * ((1.0 ::Double)
  576                       - (a!preceding zone)) ;
  577               nume1 = gamma!zone ;
  578               nume2 = (gamma!preceding zone) 
  579                       * (b!preceding zone) + (sigma!zone) 
  580                       * (theta!zone);
  581               result1 = nume1 / denom;
  582               result2 = nume2 / denom
  583               } in seq (result1 + result2) (result1,result2) ;
  584        (a, b) = (arrays_2 (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  585                  ([zone=: interior_ab zone
  586                       | zone <- interior_zones]++
  587                   [zone=: ((0.0 :: Double), theta!zone)
  588                       | zone <- north_zones]++
  589                   [zone=: ((0.0 :: Double), theta!zone)
  590                       | zone <- south_zones]++
  591                   [zone=: ((0.0 :: Double), theta!zone)
  592                       | zone <- east_zones]++
  593                   [zone=: ((0.0 :: Double), theta!zone)
  594                       | zone <- west_zones]))
  595        } in strictArrays_2 (a, b)
  597 make_theta :: (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> ((Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)) -> [(Int, Int)] -> DblArray
  598 make_theta a b succeeding int_zones = 
  599    let {
  600        interior_theta zone = (a!zone) * (theta!succeeding zone) 
  601                              + (b!zone) ;
  602        theta = (array (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  603                 ([zone=: interior_theta zone
  604                      | zone <- int_zones]++
  605                  [zone=: constant_heat_source
  606                      | zone <- north_zones]++
  607                  [zone=: constant_heat_source
  608                      | zone <- south_zones]++
  609                  [zone=: constant_heat_source
  610                      | zone <- east_zones]++
  611                  [zone=: constant_heat_source
  612                      | zone <- west_zones]))
  613        } in strictArray theta
  615 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  616 -- %% Make_pressure
  617 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  619 make_pressure :: (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> DblArray
  620 make_pressure rho' theta' = 
  621    let {
  622        boundary_p direction zone = 
  623           (pbb!(nbc!zone)) + (pb!(nbc!zone)) * (p!direction zone) ;
  624        p = (array (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  625             ([zone=: zonal_pressure (rho'!zone) (theta'!zone)
  626                  | zone <- interior_zones]++
  627              [zone=: boundary_p south zone
  628                  | zone <- north_zones]++
  629              [zone=: boundary_p north zone
  630                  | zone <- south_zones]++
  631              [zone=: boundary_p west zone
  632                  | zone <- east_zones]++
  633              [zone=: boundary_p east zone
  634                  | zone <- west_zones]))
  635        } in strictArray p
  637 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  638 -- %% Make_energy
  639 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  641 make_energy :: (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> DblArray
  642 make_energy rho' theta' = 
  643    let {
  644        epsilon' = (array (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  645                    ([zone=: zonal_energy (rho'!zone) 
  646                                (theta'!zone)
  647                         | zone <- interior_zones]++
  648                     [zone=: reflect_south zone epsilon'
  649                         | zone <- north_zones]++
  650                     [zone=: reflect_north zone epsilon'
  651                         | zone <- south_zones]++
  652                     [zone=: reflect_west zone epsilon'
  653                         | zone <- east_zones]++
  654                     [zone=: reflect_east zone epsilon'
  655                         | zone <- west_zones]))
  656        } in strictArray epsilon'
  658 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  659 -- %% Compute_heat_conduction
  660 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  662 compute_heat_conduction :: (DblArray) -> Double -> (DblArray, DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray, DblArray, DblArray)
  663 compute_heat_conduction theta_hat deltat x' alpha' rho' = 
  665    let {
  666        sigma = make_sigma deltat rho' alpha' ;
  667        cc = make_cc alpha' theta_hat ;
  668        gamma_k = make_gamma x' cc north east ;
  669        (a_k, b_k) = make_ab theta_hat sigma gamma_k 
  670                        north ;
  671        theta_k = make_theta a_k b_k south north_ward_interior_zones ;
  672        gamma_l = make_gamma x' cc west south ;
  673        (a_l, b_l) = make_ab theta_k sigma gamma_l west ;
  674        theta_l = make_theta a_l b_l east west_ward_interior_zones
  675        } in (theta_l, gamma_k, gamma_l)
  677 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  678 -- %% Compute_energy_error
  679 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  681 compute_energy_error :: (DblArray, DblArray) -> (DblArray, DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> Double -> Double
  682 compute_energy_error (u', w') (r', z') p' q' epsilon' theta' rho' alpha' gamma_k gamma_l deltat = 
  684    let {
  685        mass zone = (rho'!zone) * (alpha'!zone) ;
  686        internal_energy = sum_list [ (epsilon'!zone) * (mass zone) 
  687                                      | zone <- interior_zones ] ;
  688        kinetic node = 
  689           let {
  690               average_mass = (0.25::Double) * (((mass (zone_a node) + mass (zone_b node)) 
  691                                      + mass (zone_c node)) 
  692                              + mass (zone_d node)) ;
  693               v_square = (u'!node) ^ (2::Int) + (w'!node) 
  694                          ^ (2::Int)
  695               } in ((0.5::Double) * average_mass) * v_square ;
  696        kinetic_energy = sum_list [ kinetic node | node <- interior_nodes ] ;
  697        work_done (node1, node2) = 
  698           let {
  699               (r1, r2) = (r'!node1, r'!node2) ;
  700               (z1, z2) = (z'!node1, z'!node2) ;
  701               (u1, u2) = (p'!node1, p'!node2) ;
  702               (w1, w2) = (z'!node1, z'!node2) ;
  703               (p1, p2) = (p'!node1, p'!node2) ;
  704               (q1, q2) = (q'!node1, q'!node2) ;
  705               force = (0.5::Double) * (((p1 + p2) + q1) + q2) ;
  706               radius = (0.5::Double) * (r1 + r2) ;
  707               area = (0.5::Double) * ((r1 - r2) * (u1 - u2) 
  708                      - (z1 - z2) * (w1 - w2))
  709               } in ((force * radius) * area) * deltat ;
  710        north_line = [ ((i, j), (k, l)) | k <- [kmin],l <- [lmin + 1..lmax],
  711                                          (i, j) <- [west (k, l)] ] ;
  712        south_line = [ ((i, j), (k, l)) | k <- [kmax],l <- [lmin + 1..lmax],
  713                                          (i, j) <- [west (k, l)] ] ;
  714        east_line = [ ((i, j), (k, l)) | l <- [lmax],k <- [kmin + 1..kmax],
  715                                         (i, j) <- [south (k, l)] ] ;
  716        west_line = [ ((i, j), (k, l)) | l <- [lmin + 1],k <- 
  717                                         [kmin + 1..kmax],(i, j) <- 
  718                                         [south (k, l)] ] ;
  719        w1 = sum_list [ work_done segment | segment <- north_line ] ;
  720        w2 = sum_list [ work_done segment | segment <- south_line ] ;
  721        w3 = sum_list [ work_done segment | segment <- east_line ] ;
  722        w4 = sum_list [ work_done segment | segment <- west_line ] ;
  723        boundary_work = ((w1 + w2) + w3) + w4 ;
  724        heat_flow gamma (zone1, zone2) = 
  725           (deltat * (gamma!zone1)) * ((theta'!zone1) - (theta'!zone2)) ;
  726        north_flow = [ ((i, j), (k, l)) | k <- [kmin + 1],l <- 
  727                                          [lmin + 1..lmax],(i, j) <- 
  728                                          [north (k, l)] ] ;
  729        south_flow = [ ((i, j), (k, l)) | k <- [kmax],l <- [lmin + 2..lmax - 1],
  730                                          (i, j) <- [south (k, l)] ] ;
  731        east_flow = [ ((i, j), (k, l)) | l <- [lmax],k <- [kmin + 2..kmax],
  732                                         (i, j) <- [east (k, l)] ] ;
  733        west_flow = [ ((i, j), (k, l)) | l <- [lmin + 1],k <- 
  734                                         [kmin + 2..kmax],(i, j) <- 
  735                                         [west (k, l)] ] ;
  736        h1 = sum_list [ heat_flow gamma_k segment 
  737                         | segment <- north_flow ] ;
  738        h2 = sum_list [ heat_flow gamma_k segment 
  739                         | segment <- south_flow ] ;
  740        h3 = sum_list [ heat_flow gamma_l segment 
  741                         | segment <- east_flow ] ;
  742        h4 = sum_list [ heat_flow gamma_l segment 
  743                         | segment <- west_flow ] ;
  744        boundary_heat = ((h1 + h2) + h3) + h4
  745        } in ((internal_energy + kinetic_energy) - boundary_heat) 
  746             - boundary_work
  748 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  749 -- %% Compute_time_step
  750 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  752 compute_time_step :: (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (DblArray) -> (Double, Double, Double)
  753 compute_time_step d theta_hat theta' = 
  754    let {
  755        deltat_courant = min_list [ d!zone | zone <- interior_zones ] ;
  756        deltat_conduct = max_list [ (abs ((theta_hat!zone) - (theta'!zone))) 
  757                                    / (theta_hat!zone) | zone <- interior_zones ] ;
  758        deltat_minimum = min deltat_courant deltat_conduct
  759        } in (min deltat_maximum deltat_minimum, deltat_courant, 
  760             deltat_conduct)
  762 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  763 -- %% Geometry
  764 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  766 north :: Zone -> Zone
  767 north (k, l) = (k - 1, l)
  769 south :: Zone -> Zone
  770 south (k, l) = (k + 1, l)
  772 east :: Zone -> Zone
  773 east (k, l) = (k, l + 1)
  775 west :: Zone -> Zone
  776 west (k, l) = (k, l - 1)
  778 northeast :: Zone -> Zone
  779 northeast node = north (east node)
  781 southeast :: Zone -> Zone
  782 southeast node = south (east node)
  784 northwest :: Zone -> Zone
  785 northwest node = north (west node)
  787 southwest :: Zone -> Zone
  788 southwest node = south (west node)
  790 farnorth :: Zone -> Zone
  791 farnorth node = north (north node)
  793 farsouth :: Zone -> Zone
  794 farsouth node = south (south node)
  796 fareast :: Zone -> Zone
  797 fareast node = east (east node)
  799 farwest :: Zone -> Zone
  800 farwest node = west (west node)
  802 zone_a :: Zone -> Zone
  803 zone_a (k, l) = (k, l)
  805 zone_b :: Zone -> Zone
  806 zone_b (k, l) = (k + 1, l)
  808 zone_c :: Zone -> Zone
  809 zone_c (k, l) = (k + 1, l + 1)
  811 zone_d :: Zone -> Zone
  812 zone_d (k, l) = (k, l + 1)
  814 zone_corner_northeast :: Zone -> Zone
  815 zone_corner_northeast zone = north zone
  817 zone_corner_northwest :: Zone -> Zone
  818 zone_corner_northwest zone = northwest zone
  820 zone_corner_southeast :: Zone -> Zone
  821 zone_corner_southeast zone = zone
  823 zone_corner_southwest :: Zone -> Zone
  824 zone_corner_southwest zone = west zone
  826 ((kmin, kmax), (lmin, lmax)) = grid_size :: ArrayDim
  828 dimension_all_nodes = ((kmin - 1, kmax + 1), 
  829                       (lmin - 1, lmax + 1)) :: ArrayDim
  831 all_nodes :: [(Int, Int)]
  832 all_nodes = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin - 1..kmax + 1],l <- 
  833                        [lmin - 1..lmax + 1] ]
  835 dimension_interior_nodes :: ArrayDim
  836 dimension_interior_nodes = ((kmin, kmax), (lmin, lmax))
  838 interior_nodes :: [(Int, Int)]
  839 interior_nodes = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin..kmax],l <- 
  840                             [lmin..lmax] ]
  842 dimension_all_zones :: ArrayDim
  843 dimension_all_zones = ((kmin, kmax + 1), (lmin, lmax + 1))
  845 all_zones :: [(Int, Int)]
  846 all_zones = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin..kmax + 1],l <- 
  847                        [lmin..lmax + 1] ]
  849 dimension_interior_zones :: ArrayDim
  850 dimension_interior_zones = 
  851    ((kmin + 1, kmax), (lmin + 1, lmax))
  853 interior_zones :: [(Int, Int)]
  854 interior_zones = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin + 1..kmax],l <- 
  855                             [lmin + 1..lmax] ]
  857 north_ward_interior_zones :: [(Int, Int)]
  858 north_ward_interior_zones = 
  859    [ (k, l) | k <- [kmax,(kmax-1)..kmin + 1],l <- [lmin + 1..lmax] ]
  861 west_ward_interior_zones :: [(Int, Int)]
  862 west_ward_interior_zones = 
  863    [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin + 1..kmax],l <- [lmax,(lmax-1)..lmin + 1] ]
  865 north_zones :: [(Int, Int)]
  866 north_zones = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin],l <- [lmin..lmax + 1] ]
  868 south_zones :: [(Int, Int)]
  869 south_zones = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmax + 1],l <- 
  870                          [lmin + 1..lmax] ]
  872 east_zones :: [(Int, Int)]
  873 east_zones = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin + 1..kmax + 1],l <- 
  874                         [lmax + 1] ]
  876 west_zones :: [(Int, Int)]
  877 west_zones = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin + 1..kmax + 1],l <- 
  878                         [lmin] ]
  880 reflect :: ((Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)) -> (Int, Int) -> DblArray -> Double
  881 reflect dir node a = a!dir node
  883 reflect_north :: (Int, Int) -> (Array (Int, Int) Double) -> Double
  884 reflect_north = reflect north
  886 reflect_south :: (Int, Int) -> (Array (Int, Int) Double) -> Double
  887 reflect_south = reflect south
  889 reflect_east :: (Int, Int) -> (Array (Int, Int) Double) -> Double
  890 reflect_east = reflect east
  892 reflect_west :: (Int, Int) -> (Array (Int, Int) Double) -> Double
  893 reflect_west = reflect west
  895 north_nodes :: [(Int, Int)]
  896 north_nodes = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin - 1],l <- 
  897                          [lmin..lmax - 1] ]
  899 south_nodes :: [(Int, Int)]
  900 south_nodes = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmax + 1],l <- 
  901                          [lmin..lmax - 1] ]
  903 east_nodes :: [(Int, Int)]
  904 east_nodes = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin..kmax - 1],l <- 
  905                         [lmax + 1] ]
  907 west_nodes :: [(Int, Int)]
  908 west_nodes = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin..kmax - 1],l <- 
  909                         [lmin - 1] ]
  911 north_east_corner :: [(Int, Int)]
  912 north_east_corner = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin - 1],l <- 
  913                                [lmax + 1] ]
  915 north_west_corner :: [(Int, Int)]
  916 north_west_corner = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin - 1],l <- 
  917                                [lmin - 1] ]
  919 south_east_corner :: [(Int, Int)]
  920 south_east_corner = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmax + 1],l <- 
  921                                [lmax + 1] ]
  923 south_west_corner :: [(Int, Int)]
  924 south_west_corner = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmax + 1],l <- 
  925                                [lmin - 1] ]
  927 west_of_north_east :: [(Int, Int)]
  928 west_of_north_east = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmin - 1],l <- 
  929                                 [lmax] ]
  931 west_of_south_east :: [(Int, Int)]
  932 west_of_south_east = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmax + 1],l <- 
  933                                 [lmax] ]
  935 north_of_south_east :: [(Int, Int)]
  936 north_of_south_east = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmax],l <- [lmax + 1] ]
  938 north_of_south_west :: [(Int, Int)]
  939 north_of_south_west = [ (k, l) | k <- [kmax],l <- [lmin - 1] ]
  941 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  942 -- %% Constants
  943 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  945 -- % eknath : initializations and other additions follow here
  947 grid_max = 100 :: Int
  949 grid_size = ((2, grid_max), (2, grid_max)) ::ArrayDim
  951 constant_heat_source = (0.0 :: Double)
  953 deltat_maximum = (0.01 :: Double)
  955 specific_heat = 0.1 ::Double
  957 p_coeffs :: DblArray
  958 p_coeffs = strictArray (array ((0, 0),(2, 2))
  959             ([(1, 1) =: 0.06698]++
  960              [(i, j)=: 0.0 | i <- [0..2],j <- [0..2], not (i == 1 && j == 1)]))
  962 e_coeffs:: DblArray
  963 e_coeffs = strictArray (array ((0, 0),(2, 2))
  964             ([(0, 1) =: 0.1]++
  965              [(i, j)=: 0.0 | i <- [0..2],j <- [0..2], not (i == 0 && j == 1)]))
  967 p_poly = strictArray (array ((1, 1),(4, 5))
  968           ([(i, j)=: p_coeffs | i <- [1..4],j <- [1..5]]))
  970 e_poly = strictArray (array ((1, 1),(4, 5))
  971           ([(i, j)=: e_coeffs | i <- [1..4],j <- [1..5]]))
  973 rho_table:: DblVector
  974 rho_table = strictArray (array (1, 3)
  975              ([1 =: 0.0]++
  976               [2 =: 1.0]++
  977               [3 =: 100.0]))
  979 theta_table:: DblVector
  980 theta_table = strictArray (array (1, 4)
  981                ([1 =: 0.0]++
  982                 [2 =: 3.0]++
  983                 [3 =: 300.0]++
  984                 [4 =: 3000.0]))
  986 extract_energy_tables_from_constants = 
  987    (e_poly, 2, rho_table, theta_table)
  989 extract_pressure_tables_from_constants = 
  990    (p_poly, 2, rho_table, theta_table)
  992 nbc :: Array (Int, Int) Int
  993 nbc = strictArray (array (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
  994        ([(i, j)=: 1 | i <- [kmin],j <- [lmin + 1..lmax]]++
  995         [(i, j)=: 2 | i <- [kmax + 1],j <- [lmin + 1..lmax]]++
  996         [(i, j)=: 1 | j <- [lmin],i <- [kmin + 1..kmax]]++
  997         [(i, j)=: 1 | j <- [lmax + 1],i <- [lmin + 1..lmax]]++
  998         [(i, j)=: 4 | i <- [kmin],j <- [lmin]]++
  999         [(i, j)=: 4 | i <- [kmin],j <- [lmax + 1]]++
 1000         [(i, j)=: 4 | i <- [kmax + 1],j <- [lmin]]++
 1001         [(i, j)=: 4 | i <- [kmax + 1],j <- [lmax + 1]]))
 1003 pbb :: DblVector
 1004 pbb = strictArray (array (1, 4)
 1005        ([2 =: 6.0]++
 1006         [i=: 0.0 | i <- [1..4], not (i == 2)]))
 1008 pb:: DblVector
 1009 pb = strictArray (array (1, 4)
 1010       ([i=: 1.0 | i <- [1..4], not (i == 2 || i == 3)]++
 1011        [i=: 0.0 | i <- [2..3]]))
 1013 qb:: DblVector
 1014 qb = pb
 1016 all_zero_nodes :: a -> DblArray
 1017 all_zero_nodes _ = strictArray (array (pHbounds dimension_all_nodes)
 1018                     ([node=: 0.0 | node <- all_nodes]))
 1020 all_zero_zones :: a -> DblArray
 1021 all_zero_zones _ = strictArray (array (pHbounds dimension_all_zones)
 1022                     ([zone=: 0.0 | zone <- all_zones]))
 1024 make_position_matrix :: ((Int, Int) -> (Double, Double)) -> (DblArray, DblArray)
 1025 make_position_matrix interior_function = 
 1026    let {
 1027        boundary_position rx zx ry zy ra za = 
 1028           let {
 1029               (rax, zax) = (ra - rx, za - zx) ;
 1030               (ryx, zyx) = (ry - rx, zy - zx) ;
 1031               omega = ((2.0::Double) * (rax * ryx + zax * zyx)) 
 1032                       / (ryx ^ (2::Int) + zyx ^ (2::Int)) ;
 1033               rb = (rx - rax) + omega * ryx ;
 1034               zb = (zx - zax) + omega * zyx
 1035               } in (rb, zb) ;
 1036        reflect_node x_dir y_dir a_dir node = 
 1037           let {
 1038               rx = reflect x_dir node r' ;
 1039               zx = reflect x_dir node z' ;
 1040               ry = reflect y_dir node r' ;
 1041               zy = reflect y_dir node z' ;
 1042               ra = reflect a_dir node r' ;
 1043               za = reflect a_dir node z'
 1044               } in boundary_position rx zx ry zy ra 
 1045                       za ;
 1046        (r', z') = (arrays_2 (pHbounds dimension_all_nodes)
 1047                    ([node=: interior_function node
 1048                         | node <- interior_nodes]++
 1049                     [node=: reflect_node south southeast 
 1050                                farsouth node
 1051                         | node <- north_nodes]++
 1052                     [node=: reflect_node north northeast 
 1053                                farnorth node
 1054                         | node <- south_nodes]++
 1055                     [node=: reflect_node west southwest 
 1056                                farwest node | node <- east_nodes]++
 1057                     [node=: reflect_node east southeast 
 1058                                fareast node | node <- west_nodes]++
 1059                     [node=: reflect_node southwest west 
 1060                                farwest node | node <- north_east_corner]++
 1061                     [node=: reflect_node northwest west 
 1062                                farwest node | node <- south_east_corner]++
 1063                     [node=: reflect_node southeast south 
 1064                                farsouth node
 1065                         | node <- north_west_corner]++
 1066                     [node=: reflect_node northeast east 
 1067                                fareast node | node <- south_west_corner]++
 1068                     [node=: reflect_node south southwest 
 1069                                farsouth node
 1070                         | node <- west_of_north_east]++
 1071                     [node=: reflect_node north northwest 
 1072                                farnorth node
 1073                         | node <- west_of_south_east]++
 1074                     [node=: reflect_node west northwest 
 1075                                farwest node | node <- north_of_south_east]++
 1076                     [node=: reflect_node east northeast 
 1077                                fareast node | node <- north_of_south_west]))
 1078        } in strictArrays_2 (r', z')
 1080 zone_area_vol :: (DblArray, DblArray) -> Zone -> (Double, Double)
 1081 zone_area_vol (r, z) zone = 
 1082    let {
 1083        (rsw, zsw) = (r!zone_corner_southwest zone, 
 1084                     z!zone_corner_southwest zone) ;
 1085        (rse, zse) = (r!zone_corner_southeast zone, 
 1086                     z!zone_corner_southeast zone) ;
 1087        (rne, zne) = (r!zone_corner_northeast zone, 
 1088                     z!zone_corner_northeast zone) ;
 1089        (rnw, znw) = (r!zone_corner_northwest zone, 
 1090                     z!zone_corner_northwest zone) ;
 1091        area1 = (rse * (zne - zsw) + rsw * (zse - zne)) 
 1092                + rne * (zsw - zse) ;
 1093        area2 = (rnw * (zsw - zne) + rne * (znw - zsw)) 
 1094                + rsw * (zne - znw) ;
 1095        average1 = (rsw + rse) + rne ;
 1096        volume1 = (area1 * average1) / (3.0::Double) ;
 1097        average2 = (rsw + rne) + rnw ;
 1098        volume2 = (area2 * average2) / (3.0::Double) ;
 1099        zone_area = (area1 + area2) / (2.0::Double) ;
 1100        zone_volume = (volume1 + volume2) * (pi::Double)
 1101        } in (zone_area, zone_volume)
 1103 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 1104 -- %% Utilities
 1105 -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 1107 reduce_list :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
 1108 reduce_list fcn z list = foldl fcn z list
 1110 max_list:: [Double] -> Double
 1111 max_list list = reduce_list max (head (list :: [ Double])) list
 1113 min_list:: [Double] -> Double
 1114 min_list list = reduce_list min (head (list :: [ Double])) list
 1116 sum_list:: [Double] -> Double
 1117 sum_list list = reduce_list (+) (0.0 :: Double) (list :: [ Double])
 1119 -- %%%% Edit History: /home/prj2/rpaul/ph/tests/ek-simple/003/ek-simple.id
 1121 -- %%%+/tmp_mnt/home/prj2/rpaul/ph/tests/ek-simple-93.id 
 1122 -- %%% [rpaul]  4/13/94 17:28  verified computations: velocity, position, area/volume/density , artificial-viscosity   and heat-conduction. 
 1123 -- %%%    - fixed the area computation in zone_area. (equation 24)
 1124 -- %%%    - both equation 24 and the code are still missing the constant 
 1125 -- %%%     factor of 2pi in the volume computation
 1126 -- %%%    - the code for artifical viscocity (equation 27) were missing upper_disc^2
 1127 -- %%%     and lower_disc^2
 1128 -- %%%    - the code for interior_cc (equation 37) was missing theta_hat^5/2
 1129 -- %%%    - the initial condition for heat is now 10.0 (was .0001)