ZVON > References > CSS2 Reference

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Property: text-align
Inherited: yes
Value: left | right | center | justify | <string> | inherit
Initial: depends on user agent and writing direction
Applies to: block-level elements
Media: visual
Percentages: N/A


               <DDD>xxxx d xxxx</DDD>
               <EEE>x e xxxx</EEE>
               <DDD>xxxxxxx d xx</DDD>
* {padding:1ex;}
AAA {display: table;}
BBB {display: table-row;}
CCC {display: table-cell; text-align: right}
DDD {display: table-cell; text-align:left}
EEE {display: table-cell; text-align:center}
CCC,DDD,EEE {border:solid}

               <DDD>xxxx d xxxx</DDD>
               <EEE>x e xxxx</EEE>
               <DDD>xxxxxxx d xx</DDD>
* {padding:1ex;}
AAA {display: table;}
BBB {display: table-row;}
CCC {display: table-cell; text-align: "."}
DDD {display: table-cell; text-align:"d"}
EEE {display: table-cell; text-align:"e"}
CCC,DDD,EEE {border:solid}

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