Department of  Computing

Applications of Computing in Industry : Lecture

17 February
12pm, LT308 Huxley
company: ARM

Title: Implementing the C11 memory model for ARM processors
Abstract: The C11 standard brings native support for multithreading and atomic types to the language. The addition of these features necessitates the definition of a common memory model to support the development of portable applications across a variety of architectures and compilers. This talk will provide a brief introduction to the C11 memory model and describe how the fundamental ordering guarantees it requires can be fulfilled by the ARMv7-A and ARMv8-A architectures.
Speaker Details: Will Deacon
Will graduated from Imperial's MEng Computing course in 2009 before joining ARM, where he works primarily on their architecture ports of the Linux kernel. As co-maintainer of the arm64 port, he enjoys working close to the metal and also has an unhealthy obsession with obscure computer architectures, weak memory ordering and open-source software.

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