Department of  Computing

Applications of Computing in Industry : Lecture

16 February
12.00pm, LT308 Huxley
company: FundApps

Title: What I've learnt bootstrapping a FinTech company
Abstract: Huge funding rounds and inflated IPOs may make the news, but it isn't the only way to get a business off the ground. In this talk I'll tell you my story on bootstrapping a FinTech startup up to 20 employees (so far!), from my role as co-founder and CEO. I'll speak about some the challenges of scaling technology, people and processes as the business grows organically underneath you. I will give you the inside take on some of the things that we've found work and don’t work at FundApps. This talk will be relevant to anyone who's considering starting, or joining a startup.
Speaker Details: Andrew Patrick White
Andrew started FundApps in 2010 to drag finance software kicking & screaming into the 21st century. Previously he created the monitoring software MIG21. He'™s also a UCITS expert and authored a chapter in the UCITS Handbook. Travelling is his thing and at last count has been to 103 countries.

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