I    Working on KenyaEclipse


Package functionality listing

These are all packages of KenyaEclipse (excluding core Kenya packages) and the functionality they contain:

kenya.eclipse. root package, contains main plugin class and constants
ast. AST handling, dynamic binding resolution, etc.
buildext. linkage between compiler and postBuildAnalyser extension
debug. launching: run and debug classes
bridge. bridges between StackMachine and the debug model
launcher. Kenya launcher (declared in plugin.xml)
model. the debug model, i.e. threads, stackframes, breakpoints, …
sourcelookup. how the Kenya source code is looked up
ui. UI related, e.g. InsertEOFAction
multieditor. everything pertaining to the editor
java. Java part of the editor
kenya. Kenya part of the editor (including actions)
completion. code completion processor and related (ctrl+space)
correction. code correction processor (e.g. for style) (ctrl+1)
occurrences. some occurrence finder stuff, main occ. code is in KenyaEditor
refactoring. these classes are similar to JFace’s TextEdit, etc. classes
util. utilities, e.g. LocationUtils, AutoIndentStrategy
text. some code scanners/readers and formatter (unused)
util. utilities, e.g. JavaInput and provider, KenyaHelperThread
natures. contains all ‘natures’ (e.g. KenyaNature)
preferences. contains preference related classes
style. Style Guidance Module – base classes: registry, manager, etc.
checkerimpl. base classes for kenyaStyleCheckers extension point
checks. implementation of style checkers
properties. e.g. StylePropertyPage for configuration
ui e.g. content providers for use in StylePropertyPage
ui. general UI classes