I    Prerequisites and Installation

KenyaEclipse is fully compatible with Eclipse version 3.0 and above on all operating systems. To be able to use the plug-in, you need to install a version of Eclipse corresponding to your operating system.

To install KenyaEclipse, obtain the version that is intended for your version of Eclipse, there is one version for Eclipse 3.0 and a separate version for Eclipse 3.1.

KenyaEclipse is distributed in a zip archive (a file with the ending '.zip') and you will require WinZip or an equivalent decompression utility to view the contents.

Using the utility, extract the archives contents to the directory in which you installed Eclipse. The next time you start Eclipse, KenyaEclipse's functionality will be available for your use.

In order to install this manual into the Eclipse help system, please proceed exactly as above with the archive containing the KenyaEclipseHelp plug-in. It will then be accessible via the Help -> Help Contents link in Eclipse.