Create a xADL2 Service Deployment Architecture Configuration

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This is an example of how the xADL2 Service Deployment configuration was created for the Molpak orchestration, for both SingleServet and DualServlet configurations.




Plug-in Check List (see install instructions)

ArchStudio 4 (to create new xADL2 architecture configurations)


1.Switch to the ArchStudio 4 Perspective


a.Locate the Eclipse menu bar.
b.Select Window à Open Perspective à Other.
c.Select ArchStudio 4 and click OK.



1.Create a new xADL Architecture Description


a.Select the new project ServiceDeploymentCheck.
b.Select File à New à Other à ArchStudio4 à ArchStudio Architecture Description and click next.
c.Name the file MolpakXADL and click Finish.




2.Create the Service Deployment Stereotypes


a.Select the new file MolpakXADL.xml in the project ServiceDeploymentCheck.
b.Right-click with mouse, and select Open-With à Archipelago.
c.Locate the Outline View, and select the parent item "/ServiceDeploymentCheck/Molpak.XADL", right-click and select Create Type Set.
d.Open the new Types branch and select Component Types.
e.Right-click and select New Component Type.  Select the [New Component Type] added under Component Types.  Right-click and select Edit Description.
f.Type the name as Server.
g.Repeat e. and g. for the following Component Types: ServiceOrchestration, Servlet and ThreadPool.
h.Create new Connector Types for: Deployment and Resource.




3.Create a Single Servlet Deployment Architecture


a.Select the Structures branch, right-click and select New Structure.
b.Select the [New Structure] item, right-click and edit the description to be SingleServlet.
c.Double-click the new SingleServlet structure to open the Archipelago Structure Editor.
d.Locate the Component Types branch in the Outline View and drag-and-drop a number of each type to the Structure Editor.  For the molpak example, we need: 2x ServiceOrchestration, 1x ThreadPool, 1x Servlet, 1x Server, 3x Deployment and 1x Resource.
e.For ServiceOrchestration components, right-click and edit the description to the name of each BPEL  In the case of the molpak example, this is one for GSSubmission and one for InvokedMarel.
f.On each component and connector, create a New Interface (right-click each instance).
g.For ServiceOrchestrations, create a new link between the ServiceOrchestration interfaces and a Deployment connector interface.
h.For the ServiceOrchestration Deployment connectors, create a new link between the Deployment and the Servlet instance.
i.For the Servlet, create a new link between the Servlet interface and the third Deployment interface instance.  Create a new link between this Deployment instance and the Server interface.
j.For the Servlet, create a second interface and link this to the Resource connector interface.
k.Link the Resource connector interface to the ThreadPool interface.
l.Select the ThreadPool interface object and right-click, select Edit Description and enter "size = 10".


The structure should look like that in the figure below.



4.Create a Dual Servlet Deployment Architecture


a.Select the Structures branch, right-click and select New Structure.
b.Select the [New Structure] item, right-click and edit the description to be DualServlet.
c.Repeat steps a-k in step 5, however, for this configuration we need: 2x ServiceOrchestration, 2x ThreadPool, 2x Servlet, 1x Server, 3x Deployment and 2x Resource.
d.Link the components and connectors as shown in the figure below.





a.Set each ThreadPool interface description to be "size = 5".