We'd like to announce the release of data-set of our paper on analysing the performance of direct iterative whole image alignment based camera tracking for varying frame-rates and image resolution under stringent processing budgets. We used popular ray-tracer POVRay to render our sequences. POVRay is an open source ray-tracer and has been used in computer vision previously. It can be downloaded from POVRay's homepage. Our scene model is obtained from Jaime Vives Piqueres's website. The office scene we used in our paper is available here. The old dataset webpage that was set up for ECCV 2012 has been moved to this new page here.
We are grateful to ERC for their funding and our colleagues Hauke Strasdat, Steven Lovegrove and Margarita Chli and Thomas Pock for fruitful discussions and exchange of ideas. Our acknowledgments must also go to POVRay artist Jaime Vives Piqueres whose open source scene model we have been using. His advice and suggestions regarding tweaking of his code and prompt replies of our emails demanding various explanations, have been very helpful.