JMC Director
As the Joint Maths and Computing (JMC) Director it is my job to ensure the smooth running of all years of the JMC degree courses. Most of my time is spent liasing with staff in both the Computing and Mathematics Departments to make sure that JMC students are taken into consideration during decision making processes and trying to avoid any problematic timetable clashes for core modules. I also keep a close eye on the overall course curriculum, chair the JMC Exam Board and chair the JMC Mitigating Circumstances Board.
I work very closely with Dr David Ham (The JMC Mathematics Coordinator) who is my counterpart in the Mathematics Department.
2nd Year Coordinator
As the Undergraduate Second Year Coordinator it is my job to oversee the organisation of the second year of study of our Computer Science degree. Most of my time is spent running the Second Year Laboratory programme (COMP50007), in particular the Pintos and WACC projects in the Autumn and Spring terms respectively. I also organise and lead the 2nd Year Computing Group Project module (COMP50010), also known as Designing for Real People (or DRP), which runs in the Summer term in collaboration with the Royal College of Art Service Design Group.
As part of my coordinator role I maintain the 2nd Year Course Noticeboard which can be found on the Department of Computing website. This should be your first point of reference for questions about the course structure, options or regulations.
If you want to keep up with important notices about the Second Year, then as well as regularly checking your e-mails, I recommend following the DoCSecondYear Twitter feed (embedded below):
Reasoning About Programs
As of spring 2013 I have been helping to lecture the first year Reasoning About Programs course (now part of COMP40018 Discrete Mathematics Logic and Reasoning) along with Prof. Sophia Drossopoulou. Whilst theory heavy, this couse encourages a way of thinking about programming that should lead to students writing safer, clearer and more maintainable code in the future.
The lecture notes and tutorial sheets for this course can be found on
We also make use of EdStem
to manage course discussions outside of the lectures.
We are currently working on an automated verification tool to support this course, more details of which will appear here soon!