Generic mutability and nullity types

We're about to talk about...

A type system for:

We're about to talk about...

A type system for:

We're about to talk about...

Imagine the following world...

So we write some classes...

class Person {
    Pet pet;
class Turtle : Pet {
    Person owner;

How do we write the code?

I would like to be able to write code like the following: (this is still in Java world)

void main() {
    Person neil = new Person();  // Neil doesn't want a turtle (yet)

    Person peter = new Person(); // Peter loves turtles.
    Turtle tom = new Turtle();   // Tom needs an owner. = tom;
    tom.owner = peter;

class Person {
    Pet pet;
class Turtle : Pet {
    Person owner;

This is far from expressive

void main() {
    Person neil = new Person();
    Person peter = new Person(); 
    Turtle tom = new Turtle();   
    /* What if we just forget to set these?
     * = tom;
     * tom.owner = peter;


This is what my project is about.

We want to be able to express (and enforce) all of this through the type system.

And this is how it looks:

/* A Person is parametrized by its own mutability, and one more nullity constraint */ 
class Person[i]<,n1> {
    /* pet shares the Person's mutability, and has parametrized nullity */
    Pet[i, n1]<,> pet; 
/* A Turtle is parametrized by its own nullity, and nothing else */ 
class Turtle[i]<,> : Pet {
    /* A Turtle's owner must share its mutability */ 
    Person[i, NotNull]<,NotNull> owner;

And this is how it looks:

/* Neil has a Nullable pet, but can change */
neil = new Person[Mutable, NotNull]<,Nullable>;

/* Peter has a NotNull pet, and can't change */
peter = new Person[Immutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>;
/* Tom is an Immutable pet */
tom = new Turtle[Immutable, NotNull]<,>;

/* Type error: Didn't initialize or tom.owner */
class Person[i]<,n1> {
    Pet[i, n1]<,> pet; 
class Turtle[i]<,> : Pet {
    Person[i, NotNull]<,NotNull> owner;


Type systems for nullity and mutability aren't a new thing.



Type systems for nullity and mutability aren't a new thing.




Type systems for nullity and mutability aren't a new thing.



Ownership Immutability Generic Java (, )

Immutable objects can be initialized until the end of their owner's constructor

Support for initializing heterogeneous cyclic structures

Mutability constraints are generic (this is the system on which we model our own)

(but doesn't have to tackle definite assignment)


Type systems for nullity and mutability aren't a new thing.


  • Real-world systems (Kotlin, Ceylon, Eiffel, ...)
    • (constructor based)
  • Freedom Before Commitment (Summers, Muller)


In systems for each, we have the challenge of initialization


Ownership Immutability Generic Java (Zibin, Potanin)

Immutable objects can be initialized until the end of their owner's constructor

Support for initializing heterogeneous cyclic structures

Mutability constraints are generic (this is the system on which we model our own)

(but doesn't have to tackle definite assignment)


Type systems for nullity and mutability aren't a new thing.


  • Real-world systems (Kotlin, Ceylon, Eiffel, ...)
    • (constructor based)
  • Freedom Before Commitment (Summers, Muller)


In systems for each, we have the challenge of initialization

Freedom Before Commitment

class Person {
    Person() { = 
            new Pet(this);
        /* is still [Free]*/
class Pet {
    Pet([Free] Person owner) {
        this.owner = owner;

Commitment points

Type systems (for nullity or immutability) introduce commitment points

In immutability systems, this means the point at which we will begin enforcing constraints

In nullity systems, this means the point by which the programmer must initialize an object's not-null fields

Putting mutability and nullity together

We want to guarantee immutability as soon as possible

We want to be able to put off initialization until as late as possible

The natural solution is to enforce immutability constraints at the same time as we require the programmer to have fulfilled nullity constraints.

Putting mutability and nullity together

We want to guarantee immutability as soon as possible

We want to be able to put off initialization until as late as possible

Explicit commitment:

"delay the invariants..." (this is like Fähndrich & Haack's systems)

delay t { /* Enter an initialization scope, parametrized by t */ 
    neil = new <t> Person[Mutable, NotNull]<,Nullable>;

    peter = new <t> Person[Immutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>;
    tom = new <t> Turtle[Immutable, NotNull]<,>;

    /* Type error: Didn't initialize or tom.owner by the end of their initialization scope */

Explicit commitment:

"delay the invariants..." (this is like Fähndrich & Haack's systems)

delay t { /* Enter an initialization scope, parametrized by t */ 
    neil = new <t> Person[Mutable, NotNull]<,Nullable>;

    peter = new <t> Person[Immutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>;
    tom = new <t> Turtle[Immutable, NotNull]<,>;

    /* Can still mutate the Immutable objects peter and tom while we finish their initialization */ = tom; tom.owner = peter;

Now after initialization:

Explicit commitment:

"delay the invariants..." (this is like Fähndrich & Haack's systems)

delay t { /* Enter an initialization scope, parametrized by t */ 
    neil = new <t> Person[Mutable, NotNull]<,Nullable>;

    peter = new <t> Person[Immutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>;
    tom = new <t> Turtle[Immutable, NotNull]<,>;

    /* Can still mutate the Immutable objects peter and tom while we finish their initialization */ = tom; tom.owner = peter;

Now after initialization:

/* Type error: neil is Mutable, and expects his pet to be...*/ = tom;

Explicit commitment:

"delay the invariants..." (this is like Fähndrich & Haack's systems)

delay t { /* Enter an initialization scope, parametrized by t */ 
    neil = new <t> Person[Mutable, NotNull]<,Nullable>;

    peter = new <t> Person[Immutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>;
    tom = new <t> Turtle[Immutable, NotNull]<,>;

    /* Can still mutate the Immutable objects peter and tom while we finish their initialization */ = tom; tom.owner = peter;

Now after initialization:

/* This is okay though: neil is Mutable, can be null */ = null;

Explicit commitment:

"delay the invariants..." (this is like Fähndrich & Haack's systems)

delay t { /* Enter an initialization scope, parametrized by t */ 
    neil = new <t> Person[Mutable, NotNull]<,Nullable>;

    peter = new <t> Person[Immutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>;
    tom = new <t> Turtle[Immutable, NotNull]<,>;

    /* Can still mutate the Immutable objects peter and tom while we finish their initialization */ = tom; tom.owner = peter;

Now after initialization:

/* Type error: peter is Immutable: no field assignment please! */ = ... = ...

Explicit commitment:

"delay the invariants..." (this is like Fähndrich & Haack's systems)

delay t { /* Enter an initialization scope, parametrized by t */ 
    neil = new <t> Person[Mutable, NotNull]<,Nullable>;

    peter = new <t> Person[Immutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>;
    tom = new <t> Turtle[Immutable, NotNull]<,>;

    /* Can still mutate the Immutable objects peter and tom while we finish their initialization */ = tom; tom.owner = peter;

Now after initialization:

/* Type error: tom is Immutable */
tom.owner = ...


Something totally new: Generic Nullity

What do we gain?

Genericity! (of course)

Can use the same (class) definition in different of ways

This is what we saw with Peter and Neil

We can make this more concrete...

What do we gain?

Genericity! (of course)

class List[i]<,n1> {
    /* The nullity of next is parametrized */
    next : List[i,n1]<,n1>
    void add, get, ...

What do we gain?

Genericity! (of course)

class List[i]<,n1> {
    /* The nullity of next is parametrized */
    next : List[i,n1]<,n1>
    void add, get, ...
delay t {
    /* Just a normal recursive list */ 
    normal = new <t> List[Mutable,NotNull]<,Nullable>
normal.add(...); normal.get(...); ...

What do we gain?

class List[i]<,n1> {
    /* The nullity of next is parametrized */
    next : List[i,n1]<,n1>
    void add(List[Mutable, NotNull]<,n1> this, ...) {
delay t {
    /* Just a normal recursive list */ 
    normal = new <t> List[Mutable,NotNull]<,Nullable>
normal.add(...); normal.get(...); ...

What do we gain?

class List[i]<,n1> {
    /* The nullity of next is parametrized */
    next : List[i,n1]<,n1>
    void add(List[Mutable, NotNull]<,n1> this, ...) {
delay t {
    cycliclist = new <t> List[Mutable,NotNull]<,NotNull>
    /* Type error! Cycles are enforced by the type system*/

What do we gain?

class List[i]<,n1> {
    /* The nullity of next is parametrized */
    next : List[i,n1]<,n1>
    void add(List[Mutable, NotNull]<,n1> this, ...) {
delay t {
    cycliclist = new <t> List[Mutable,NotNull]<,NotNull> = cycliclist;
cycliclist.add(...); cycliclist.get(...); ...

What do we gain?

class List[i]<,n1> {
    /* The nullity of next is parametrized */
    next : List[i,n1]<,n1>
    void add(List[Mutable, NotNull]<,n1> this, ...) {
delay t {
    immutcycliclist = new <t> List[Immutable,NotNull]<,NotNull> = cycliclist;
/* Type error! add expects a mutable list! */

What do we gain?

class List[i]<,n1> {
    /* The nullity of next is parametrized */
    next : List[i,n1]<,n1>
    void get(List[i, NotNull]<,n1> this, ...) {
delay t {
    immutcycliclist = new <t> List[Immutable,NotNull]<,NotNull> = cycliclist;
/* Notice get is still fine... */

Generic Nullity

NotNull will not do in place of Nullable

(or, sometimes it won't do...)

In other systems for nullity this is fine

(this is a new problem for generic nullity)

Nullity parameters are not covariant

I say that I expect you to pass me either a cat or nothing:

void stroke(..., Cat[Immutable, Nullable]<,> cat, ...) {

(but I promise not to change it...)

It's fine if you pass me a cat that you definitely know is a cat!

Nullity parameters are not covariant

I say that I expect (definitely) a box that might contain a cat:

void quantum_box(..., Box[Mutable, NotNull]<,Nullable> box, ...) {
class Box[i]<,n1> {
    Cat[Mutable, n1]<,> cat;

delay t {
    box = new <t> 
        Box[Mutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>; = new <t> 
        Cat[Mutable, NotNull]<,>;
quantum_box(..., box, ...);

Nullity parameters are not covariant

It's not fine for you to pass me a box that you know definitely has a cat in it!

void quantum_box(..., Box[Mutable, NotNull]<,Nullable> box, ...) {
    /* Fine, since I see the box as having a Nullable cat */ = null;
delay t {
    box = new <t> Box[Mutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>; = new <t> Cat[Mutable, NotNull]<,>;
quantum_box(..., box, ...);

Nullity parameters are not covariant

It's not fine for you to pass me a box that you know definitely has a cat in it!

void quantum_box(..., Box[Mutable, NotNull]<,Nullable> box, ...) {
    /* Fine, since I see the box as having a Nullable cat */ = null;
delay t {
    box = new <t> Box[Mutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>; = new <t> Cat[Mutable, NotNull]<,>;
quantum_box(..., box, ...);
/* We expect to be NotNull! */ = ...?

Nullity parameters are not covariant

So while nullity of the reference itself is covariant, treating the parameters in the same way is not sound.

We create a least upper bound (<? extends Nullable>)

C[Immutable, NotNull]<,> /* can be used for */ C[Immutable, Nullable]<,>

C[Immutable, NotNull]<,NotNull> /* can't be used for */ C[Immutable, NotNull]<,Nullable>

Nullity parameters are not covariant

So while nullity of the reference itself is covariant, treating the parameters in the same way is not sound.

We create a least upper bound (<? extends Nullable>)

C[Immutable, NotNull]<,Nullable> /* can be used for */ C[Immutable, NotNull]<,<? extends Nullable>>

C[Immutable, NotNull]<,NotNull>/* can be used for */ C[Immutable, NotNull]<,<? extends Nullable>>

Nullity parameters are not covariant

So while nullity of the reference itself is covariant, treating the parameters in the same way is not sound.

We create a least upper bound (<? extends Nullable>)

C[Immutable, NotNull]<,> /* can be used for */ C[<? extends ReadOnly>, Nullable]<,>

C[Mutable, NotNull]<,> /* can be used for */ C[<? extends ReadOnly>, Nullable]<,>

Now let's talk about the formal system

I promised a simple runtime

We just define a standard heap/stack-based runtime.

I promised a simple runtime

The runtime semantics...

Runtime semantics are exactly how you'd imagine;

Judgements look like:

Typing judgements are a little more complex

So far everything is simple

But the tricky part of the project is developing the type rules

They're a bit more involved...

Typing judgements...

When an object is committed:

Typing judgements...

When an object is committed:

delay t {
    box = new <t> 
/* Type Error! isn't typed NotNull! */

Typing judgements...

When an object is committed:

delay t {
    box = new <t> 
/* This is fine */

Typing judgements...

When it's not committed, things are a bit more involved...

When the field isn't in the list of those that might be uninitialized, do as before, but:

Typing judgements...

When it's not committed and the field is listed as uninitialized, the returned value might be null!

Typing judgements...

A lot like field lookup...

But what's that at the bottom?

Typing judgements... (FieldType(...))

The rule FieldType(...) says that the field being assigned to:

These types mean "we don't know"; they exist as upper bounds on other possibilities

Now let's discuss soundness

In terms of paths through the heap

We basically want all the types for these different paths to be in some way compatible.

(what this means is not intuitive)

Defining a well-formed heap...

This is hard to show

Paths through the heap

We assume all these paths are fine (consistent) to begin with (they are), then have to show that all operations preserve them...

Most cases are trivial induction

But field assignment and method call are not

Field assignment

Field assignment

Field assignment

Field assignment

We basically need to show that:


We saw at the start that we were able to expressively type data-structures and perform non-trivial initialization

We can also initialize e.g. arbitrarily sized cyclic structures without any problems

Paths typed as NotNull will not evaluate to null

Paths typed as Immutable will not have Mutable aliases

The soundness arguments presented in the report were incomplete:


The result is...

an expressive type system for generic mutability and nullity in an object-oriented system, with flexible initialization.

There's still work to be done: e.g. we have the basic argument for method call, but I'd like to finish this off!

Maybe then I'll write a compiler...

The important bits:

