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Department of  Computing

Health and Safety in the Department of Computing SSafety at Work Warning Triangle

The Rector's Health and Safety Statement [ PDF ]

"The University is committed to pursuing excellence in everything it does and this includes the management of health and safety."

Imperial College is subject to the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and its associated regulations


TheDepartment of Computing at Imperial College is a leading department of computer science among the UK universities. It is renowned for the quality of its teaching and has been awarded the highest grade in every national assessment of teaching quality.



Departmental Links


Health and Safety - A Short Guide for Staff and Students


Eligibility For Eye Test




A-Z Listing of Safety Training Courses


Fire assembly points and where to assemble after evacuating a building.




Department First Aiders and First Aid Information


Mandatory Health and Safety courses for DoC staff (MOST and RAFT)




Minutes of the Health and Safety Committee Meetings


Health and Safety Talk Slides


College Links

Estates Division

Reporting Faults and Safety Risks


Fire Safety






Maintenance and Minor Works

Safety Department







Forms and Checklists



Occupational Health

Advice and Counselling


Health Surveillance




Fitness Assessment


Travel Advice



Main campus address:
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, tel: +44 (0)20 7589 5111
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