Download TopSPIN

Please let us know you that have downloaded TopSPIN

It is really useful for us to have an idea of how frequently TopSPIN is downloaded. Maybe one day we'll have a fancy download counter, but for now, please help by emailing to say that you have downloaded the tool.

Please just send a quick email:

"I just downloaded TopSPIN"

to Alastair Donaldson: [remove ZZZ]

Downlad the latest TopSPIN release: TopSPIN_2.2.5.tgz.

This release includes new functionality for explaining why symmetries are not valid - check out the documentation for explain in the manual.

Instructions for downloading and using the tool: TopSPIN_2.2_manual.pdf.

Please let us know if you have problems or success with TopSPIN

If you have trouble installing or using the tool, or if it doesn't work as expected on your Promela examples, please let us know. Also, if you get some good results with TopSPIN, we'd be delighted to hear! Contact info as above.