Office Room Dataset

The Office room (courtesy Jaime Vives Piqueres) is available in a tarball below. The scene is composed of Contructive Solid Geometry (CSG) and procedurally rendered in two passes. The first pass does the radiosity calculations and stores them in a file. The second pass reads the file and injects the specularities, reflections and shadows etc. to give a realistic tinge to the images. Below we show some of the trajectories we rendered using this office scene.

Source Code: The source code for the office room can be obtained from here

How to Render an Image of the Office Room?

Unpacking the tarball provides many different files with "i_" at the front of their name. Each such file is a POVRay code for part or object present in the scene. You should again see the following matrix in the office.pov file
matrix <val00, val01, val02,
       val10, val11, val12,
       val20, val21, val22,
       val30, val31, val32>
This is camera extrinsic matrix that encodes the transformation of camera with respect to the world.
Rendering of this scene is done in two passes. The firt pass to save radiosity calculations and the other part renders a photorealistic image.
"/usr/local/bin/povray" +Ioffice.pov +Oscene_000.png +W640 +H480 +wt64 
+ Declare=val00=0.998739 + Declare=val01=0.00725321 + Declare=val02=-0.0496855 
+ Declare=val10=0.00725319 + Declare=val11=0.958294 + Declare=val12=0.285692 
+ Declare=val20=0.0496855 + Declare=val21=-0.285692 + Declare=val22=0.957033 
+ Declare=val30=91 + Declare=val31=465 + Declare=val32=-292 
+RFradiosity_first_pass/scene_radiosity_000.txt +RFO -d 
+L/usr/local/bin/povray/include +LLightsysIV +Lmaps  +FN16
The second pass renders a photo-realistic image
"/usr/local/bin/povray" +Ioffice.pov +Oscene_000.png +W640 +H480 +wt64 
+ Declare=val00=0.998739 + Declare=val01=0.00725321 + Declare=val02=-0.0496855 
+ Declare=val10=0.00725319 + Declare=val11=0.958294 + Declare=val12=0.285692 
+ Declare=val20=0.0496855 + Declare=val21=-0.285692 + Declare=val22=0.957033 
+ Declare=val30=91 + Declare=val31=465 + Declare=val32=-292 
+RFradiosity_first_pass/scene_radiosity_000.txt +RFI -d 
+L/usr/local/bin/povray/include +LLightsysIV +Lmaps  +FN16

Other Items of Possible Interest

StereoPOV: An unofficial patch for POVRay that gives stereo images for many cameras. We'd be adding stereo images for download on our website very soon.
VLPOV: Another unofficial patch from Andrea Vedaldi for POVRay we used to parse the POVRay files and obtain ground truth poses and depth.
CVPoV: CVPoV can be used to compute the optical flow, between two images given the depth-map and poses. We have that in our codebase too but just to mention that we built our code on this.
POVRay Documentation: POVRay documentation and other related stuff.