I am a senior lecturer (associate professor) at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, and currently serve as the department's Director of Postgraguate Research.

My research is in the general area of formal methods for designing provably correct software systems, with particular focus on the generation, analysis and implementation of formal specifications for safe AI-enabled systems.

Application domains include AI-enabled systems for tackling cyber-enabled crime. You can read about some of my work on crime linkage here.

Please see my research page for further details, or my publications.

My cv (pdf).

I am currently looking for motivated and strong PhD students with an interest and background in formal methods, software engineering and artificial intelligence. Several scholarships are available for prospective PhD students including Safe and Trusted AI CDT scholarships. Please see my teaching page for more information. I welcome enquiries from those wishing to apply for a PhD under my supervision.

I also regularly have research posts available. Please keep an eye on vacancies here , or get in touch by email.
