AI systems are increasingly used to make consequential decisions in a wide range of domains, including finance, healthcare and law. As a result, it is crucial to be able to explain the decisions of these systems, with the aim to deliver explainable AI (XAI) solutions suitable for a human-centred world.

Currently, methods for explainability are frequently one-off, developed and evaluated under the assumption that users will make a single query, and ignoring possible effects of multiple queries and feedback by the user. An alternative view of explanations is to take into account the continuous interplay between users and machines. In this view, explanations should be seen as interactive processes operating on objects which can be contested or futher elaborated. This view is particularly highlighted with recent developments with (instruction-based) language models, where users frequently have exchanges of messages with the models.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from academia and industry working in XAI to explore limits of current explainability methods and discuss the view of explanations as an interactive process, and the interplay of natural language and explainability. The workshop will consist of invited and selected presentations and discussions.

Invited Speakers

Oana-Maria Camburu (University College London)

Oana-Maria Camburu is a Senior Research Fellow with a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, University College London. She works mainly on Explainable AI, building neural networks that generate human-like explanations for their predictions. She did her Ph.D. on "Explaining Deep Neural Networks", working with Prof. Phil Blunsom and Prof. Thomas Lukasiewicz at the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford.

Title: Can AI Models Give Us Correct and Faithful Natural Language Explanations for Their Predictions? (Slides)
Abstract: As the current ground-breaking advancements are making AI models increasingly more present in our lives, having human-interpretable explanations for their predictions is not only of regulatory importance in high-risk domains but also a way to generally improve the trustworthiness of the models. To this end, we argue that explanations should be at least correct and faithful. First, an explanation is said to be correct if it provides a ground-truth justification for solving the task. Models with incorrect explanations would likely be of little usage for end users. Second, an explanation is said to be faithful if it reflects the internal decision-making process of the model. Unfaithful explanations would be "lying" to the users and may dangerously influence their perception of the model and, in turn, their decisions. In this talk, we will see a series of models, benchmarks, adversarial attacks, and metrics to examine the capabilities of AI models to correctly and faithfully explain their predictions in natural language.

Elizabeth Daly (IBM Research, Dublin)

Elizabeth Daly is a Research Scientist leading the Interactive AI Group at the IBM Research Laboratory, Dublin. She is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Trinity College Dublin in November 2007 with her thesis entitled 'Social Network Analysis for Routing in Disconnected Delay-Tolerant MANETs'.
More recently her team is researching innovative solutions for interactive AI by introducing mechanisms to facilitate AI and humans negotiate a common objective. She is currently serving on the Royal Irish Academy’s committee on Engineering and Computer Science.

Title: Let's Agree to Agree - towards interactions supporting users and AI systems align
Abstract: The widespread adoption of AI systems in various domains has led to an increased need for mechanisms that support effective collaboration between users and AI systems. While AI systems excel at achieving given objectives, ensuring the user and the AI system are aligned on the same objectives represents a significant challenge. This talk will present an overview of interactive AI strategies to enable users understand and importantly correct AI solutions. We argue that agreement is essential not only in ensuring that AI systems perform as intended but also in fostering trust and transparency between users and AI systems. We will also discuss challenges and opportunities in designing and introducing such interactions, including the need to balance automation and human intervention, the importance of clear and understandable feedback, and the need for capturing the knock on effects of that feedback. Our ultimate goal is to promote the development of interactions that support users and AI systems in achieving common goals, while also ensuring that users' values and preferences are respected. By focusing on agreement and collaboration, we believe that it is possible to build more effective and trustworthy AI systems that can truly augment human capabilities in a variety of domains.

Saumitra Mishra (J.P. Morgan XAI Centre of Excellence)

Saumitra Mishra is Vice President/AI Research Lead at J.P. Morgan where he is associated with the XAI Center of Excellence within the AI research team. Saumitra completed his PhD in Electronics Engineering from Queen Mary University of London, UK in 2020. Later, he was a research associate at the Alan Turing Institute, London. Prior to PhD, Saumitra was a technical manager at Samsung Research India, Bangalore developing novel technologies for consumer electronics products. Saumitra is broadly interested in research on explainable AI, fairness and robustness of machine learning models.

Title: An Empirical Study on Detecting Hallucinations in LLMs
Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce the problem of hallucinations in LLMs and present an overview of methods on detecting hallucinations. Further, the talk with introduce a small-scale study to analyse how three hallucination detection methods perform on the open-source HaluEval dataset.

Michael Yeomans (Imperial College Business School)

Michael Yeomans is an Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour at Imperial College Business School. His research focuses on how machine learning can be used to understand and improve human judgment and decision-making - in particular, by using natural language processing to study decisions during conversations. His research has been published in many journals, including Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Management Science, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and prior to joining Imperial, he completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard University.

Title: Encouraging Conversational Receptiveness (joint with Julia Minson, Burint Bevis, Hanne Collins & Dustin Tingley)
Abstract: We develop an open-source interpretable machine learning algorithm to detect "conversational receptiveness” – language that communicates thoughtful engagement during a disagreement (e.g. agreement, acknowledgment, subjectivity, contradiction). Across several populations (e.g. online education forums, Wikipedia editors, local government officials) we have shown that receptive writers are more persuasive, receive receptive replies from their counterparts, and ward off escalation of the conflict. Here, we develop interventions to teach people to be more receptive. We find that participants benefit from seeing a static “receptiveness recipe” that explains the main features of receptiveness in a paragraph, as well as a personalized feedback system that can read a person’s and suggest specific revisions. We also document potential hurdles for encouraging adoption of this technology. including concerns about authentic expression, and a misprediction of the benefits of receptive language. Overall, our results show how algorithms can be used to improve the choices people make during difficult conversations.


Time Speaker Talk
09:30 09:40 Guilherme Paulino-Passos and Francesca Toni Welcome
09:40 10:20 Michael Yeomans Invited talk
10:20 10:35 Michael Adhipramana Widjaya and Rafael Calvo Drivers of Trust in Generative AI-powered Voice Assistants: The Role of References
10:35 10:50 Vihari Piratla Use perturbations when learning from explanations
10:50 11:05   Coffe break
11:05 11:45 Elizabeth Daly Invited talk
11:45 12:00 Antonio Rago and Francesca Toni Interactive Explanations by Conflict Resolution via Argumentative Exchanges
12:00 12:15 Lun Ai Explanatory machine learning for sequential human teaching
12:15 12:30 Kai Zhang Using explanations to help models ignore spurious signals
12:30 13:35   Lunch
13:35 14:15 Oana-Maria Camburu Invited talk
14:15 14:30 Harry Coppock COVID-19 detection from respiratory audio: A Case Study in Confounders
14:30 14:45 Deniz Gorur and Adam Dejl Interactive Explanations of Large Language Models using Argumentative Agents
14:45 15:00   Coffe break
15:00 15:40 Saumitra Mishra Invited talk
15:40 15:55 Nikolay Topol The Journey to Interpretable RL: Evaluating Causal Discovery Algorithms and Generating Structural Models
16:05 16:20 Zijing Ou Learning Neural Set Functions Under the Optimal Subset Oracle
16:20 17:05   Group discussion
17:05 17:10   Concluding remarks


Participation in the workshop is free, subject to availability.

If you would like to give a short presentation around the workshop's topics, please submit a title and a short abstract by 10th of September, 23:59 GMT+1 (UK time), using the Easychair link below. To attend without presenting, register below at Eventbrite, by 13th of September, 17:00 GMT+1.

We plan to notify presenters by the 14th of September. Lunch and refreshments will be provided for registered attendees (whether presenting or not).

Submit a title and abstract (Easychair)

Attend without presenting (Eventbrite)


Room LT201, Skempton Building,
Imperial College Rd,
South Kensington Campus,
Imperial College London,
London, SW7 2BU, UK.

Previous editions

This is the 4th edition of this event, with the previous ones being:
