Post-Doctoral Researchers

[Please follow the instructions at the bottom to ensure I respond to your email]

NOTE: Please carefully check the funding options and their deadlines below.

If you want to apply for a post-doctoral position, you should send a CV, research experience and interests, research statement and list of reference letter contacts directly to me. See below for a full list.

There are many sources of funding available for post-doctoral positions, including the ERC, the EPSRC, or the Leverhulme Trust. In some selected cases I might have funding for outstanding candidates or selected topics.

Instructions to apply

If interested, please send me an email with the following information, so we can have a chat about what projects could be mutually interesting:

  • Subject (exact phrasing):
    Application for post-doctoral position
  • Academic CV.
  • A list of the research areas and topics that you have experience in.
  • A list of the research areas and topics that you are interested in.
  • Why you think we would be a good match to do research together.
  • A research project proposal, if you have one.
  • A list of two or three people who can send me a reference letter upon request.
  • Any other information you might consider relevant.

NOTE: Requests without the subject above will be ignored by my mail filters