Peter McBrien's Home Page
A brief biography, contact details, and other details about me can be found under
About Me
I work on the
project, investigating new techniques for data integration based around a schema transformation approach called both as view (BAV), developed in collaboration with
Alex Poulovassilis
. Details of all my reseach activity can be found under
along with a complete list of my
Details of all my teaching and projects I offer can be found under
I provide a number of medium sized example databases for the purpose of providing test beds to student and research projects, details of which can be found under
Example DBs and JDBC
page lists sites I frequently use or have been involved in creating.
I am company secretary of PSA Parts Ltd, which is a distributor of mobile power products such as batteries, ac adapters, and chargers for laptop computers, camcorders, and digital cameras. The company runs a number of e-commerce sites: