
Presented here are some screenshots of the Kevlar system in use.

A blank, empty workspace, ready for use.

Kevlar Screenshot

Browsing programs, and viewing the help for List-Files

Kevlar Screenshot

A pipeline being built up, with an argument being edited on the Show program

Kevlar Screenshot

The pipeline being built up, and the Directory pane being used to locate a directory to run this pipeline "in".

Kevlar Screenshot

The result of running the pipeline. The Show pane "- for A" tab shows the output of Text-Replace where all instances of the letter 'A' have been replaced by a '-'.

Kevlar Screenshot

The Load Pipeline panel, showing thumbnails of previously saved pipelines.

Kevlar Screenshot

A demonstration of the sophisticated search algorithm that can find find programs based on keywords that can even be misspelled.

Also the 'Height' argument of the Image-Edit program has been found to be invalid. Kevlar has highlighted it in red and also disabled the 'execute' (play) button on the toolbar.

Kevlar Screenshot

The results of the simple Image-Editing pipeline run on a directory full of kitten images. The 'Show' pane allows the user to browse through any images presented to a 'Show' program.

Kevlar Screenshot