CLASE-2008.7.21: Cursor Library for A Structured EditorContentsIndex
showCursor :: forall l x a. Persistable l => Cursor l x a -> String
showRoute :: Persistable l => Route l from to -> String
parseCursor :: Persistable l => String -> Maybe (RestoredCursor l)
parseRoute :: (Persistable l, Reify l from) => Bool -> String -> Maybe (RestoredRoute l from)
class (Language l, PersistenceAdapter l, Reify l l) => Persistable l where
showMovement :: Movement l d from to -> String
movementParser :: Reify l a => DirectionT d -> Parser (ExistsR l (Movement l d a))
showTypeRep :: TypeRep l a -> String
typeRepParser :: Parser (Exists (TypeRep l))
typeRepEq :: TypeRep l a -> TypeRep l b -> Maybe (TyEq a b)
class PersistenceAdapter l where
showL :: l -> String
parseL :: Parser l
data RestoredCursor l where
RestoredCursor :: Reify l x => Cursor l x a -> RestoredCursor l
data RestoredRoute l from where
RestoredRoute :: Reify l to => Route l from to -> RestoredRoute l from
data RestoredPath l r a where
RestoredPath :: Reify l b => Path l r a b -> RestoredPath l r a
readParser :: (Show a, Read a) => Bool -> Parser a
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