Software Engineering - Design I
(Academic year 2011/2012)

Alessandra Russo

Course code: 220

These lecture notes are designed for part of the course Software Engineering - Design I given to second year Comp and JMC undergraduate students at Imperial College. The course is composed of two parts, the first part is taught by Dr. Robert Chatley, and the second part by myself. Lecture notes about the first part is electronically available here, on Dr. Chatley's Website. My part of the course is about formal specifications and the role that formal specifications play in software engineering. The material covers 6 hours lectures and 3 hours tutorials.

Aims & Learning Outcomes Prerequisites Books Lecture Notes Tutorials


The aims of this part of the course are: Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of these 6 lecture hours the students will have acquired an in-depth knowledge of basic concepts of formal specifications, including state, operation and class schemas, and more generally the role that logical theories play in specifying (large) computer systems. Students will also develop a range of skills necessary for the definition of formal specifications from informal system requirements. These formal specifications will be written using conventional classical logic and some of the notation features of the Z specification language.


This part of the course builds upon the 1st year logic course.

Lecture Notes

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This pages were last updated on: 3rd December  2011.