DoC Computing Support Group

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Revision 2 as of 2008-09-11 16:45:42
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Editor: dwm
Revision 5 as of 2008-10-08 22:38:35
Size: 2197
Editor: dwm
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''~-Image courtesy [[|David McBride]]. Licensed under [[|CC-SA]].-~''

Network Provision Image courtesy David McBride. Licensed under CC-SA.

Core Network

CSG maintain a high-speed switched Ethernet data network for all areas of the Department of Computing in both the Huxley and William Penney buildings, providing connectivity at up to 1Gbit/sec over individual copper twisted-pair connections and up to 10Gbit/sec over individual fibre optic connections.

Network connections are provided for the undergraduate labs and staff and postgraduate student offices, for both CSG managed systems and end-user machines -- the latter governed by the DoCRoam system developed locally.

The network core is connected to the network backbone operated by the central College computing services, ICT, and through them provide high-speed access to the wider Internet via the College's connection to the London Metropolitan Area Network and

The network infrastructure uses high-end routers and switches manufactured by Extreme Networks, including multiple Black Diamond enterprise-grade routers and dozens of smaller form-factor Summit managed switches.

In addition, CSG maintain various network monitoring facilities and intrusion detection systems for detecting anomalous traffic.

Wireless Connectivity

In addition to the wired network connectivity provided in labs and offices, CSG also maintain the IC-DoC wireless network infrastructure that supports clients compatible with WiFi 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g standards. This is provided for both staff and students in the College as well as for guests and attendees of conferences held locally. Access to the wireless network is mediated by the DoCRoam system, which allows for self-service registration of client machines of all kinds by staff, students and conference attendees.

(Note that this network is disjoint and independent from the Imperial-WPA and ICWLAN networks operated by the central College computing services.)


services/networks (last edited 2009-11-17 16:06:08 by dcw)