Daniel Sykes
This page is out of date, as I left Imperial in December 2014.
I am involved in research on highly dynamic, self-adaptive software systems comprising: behaviour synthesis from abstract goals;
declarative, decentralised assembly of software architecture; and more recently machine learning techniques for overcoming
the limitations of design-time knowledge. Such research has found application in pervasive, military and robotic domains.
I undertook my doctorate at Imperial College and have since spent time at INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt.
If necessary, my email address can be purloined from a paper or from the department.
Hope For The Best, Prepare For The Worst: Multi-Tier Control For Adaptive Systems,
Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Daniel Sykes, and Sebastian Uchitel.
ICSE 2014,
May 2014, Hyderabad, India. (appendix, teaser video)
Controller Synthesis: From Modelling To Enactment,
Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nir Piterman, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel.
ICSE 2013,
May 2013, San Francisco, USA. (teaser video)
Learning Revised Models For Planning In Adaptive Systems,
Daniel Sykes, Domenico Corapi, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, Katsumi Inoue.
ICSE 2013,
May 2013, San Francisco, USA. (teaser video, slides)
Satisfying Requirements For Pervasive Service Compositions,
Luca Cavallaro, Pete Sawyer, Daniel Sykes, Nelly Bencomo, Valérie Issarny.
MRT 2012,
October 2012, Innsbruck, Austria.
Machine Learning For Emergent Middleware,
Amel Bennaceur, Falk Howar, Malte Isberner, Valérie Issarny, Richard Johansson, Alessandro Moschitti, Bernhard Steffen, Daniel Sykes.
JIMSE 2012,
August 2012, Montpellier, France.
Machine Learning For Automatic Classification Of Web Service Interface Descriptions,
Amel Bennaceur, Valérie Issarny, Richard Johansson, Alessandro Moschitti, Daniel Sykes, Romina Spalazzese.
ISOLA 2011,
October 2011, Vienna, Austria.
Automatic Service Categorisation Through Machine Learning In Emergent Middleware,
Amel Bennaceur, Richard Johansson, Alessandro Moschitti, Romina Spalazzese, Daniel Sykes, Valérie Issarny.
FMCO 2011,
October 2011, Turin, Italy.
Probabilistic Rule Learning In Non-Monotonic Domains,
Domenico Corapi, Daniel Sykes, Katsumi Inoue, Alessandra Russo.
CLIMA 2011,
July 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
FlashMob: Distributed Adaptive Self-Assembly,
Daniel Sykes, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer.
2011 International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2011),
May 2011, Hawaii, USA.
Inferring Affordances Using Learning Techniques,
Amel Bennaceur, Richard Johansson, Alessandro Moschitti, Romina Spalazzese, Daniel Sykes, Rachid Saadi, Valérie Issarny.
FET 2011,
May 2011, Budapest, Hungary.
A State Machine-Based Approach For Reliable Adaptive Distributed Systems,
Leonardo Mostarda, Daniel Sykes, Naranker Dulay.
EASE 2010,
March 2010, Oxford, UK.
Exploiting Non-Functional Preferences In Architectural Adaptation For Self-Managed Systems,
Daniel Sykes, William Heaven, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer.
SAC 2010,
March 2010, Sierre, Switzerland.
PhD thesis, Autonomous Architectural Assembly And Adaptation, February 2010, Imperial College, London.
A Case Study In Goal-Driven Adaptable Software Architecture For UAVs,
William Heaven, Daniel Sykes, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer.
4th SEAS DTC Technical Conference, July 2009, Edinburgh, UK.
A Case Study In Goal-Driven Architectural Adaptation,
William Heaven, Daniel Sykes, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer.
Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems, LNCS 5525, 2009.
Goal-Driven Adaptable Software Architecture For UAVs,
William Heaven, Daniel Sykes, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer.
3rd SEAS DTC Technical Conference, June 2008, Edinburgh, UK.
From Goals To Components: A Combined Approach To Self-Management,
Daniel Sykes, William Heaven, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer.
2008 International Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2008),
May 2008, Leipzig, Germany.
Plan-Directed Architectural Change For Autonomous Systems,
Daniel Sykes, William Heaven, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer.
Sixth International Workshop on Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems (SAVCBS 2007),
September 2007, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Self-Managed Adaptable Software Architecture For UAVs : A Testbed,
William Heaven, Daniel Sykes, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer.
2nd SEAS DTC Technical Conference, July 2007, Edinburgh, UK.
Koala, Korebot, Katana, Nao Software
- Using the Nao in Java: nao.jar - library for accessing the Nao remotely (requires jnaoqi.jar and jnaoqi.dll) (see documentation).
- Using the Koala in Java:
- koala.jar - interface to the Koala on the Java side (see documentation, debugging hints)
- libjkoala.so - JNI library which bridges the gap between Koala.class and libkorebot. Copy libjkoala.so to
on the Korebot and add /usr/lib
- The Koala can alternatively be controlled via a serial cable from the desktop, which requires RXTX
- JVM on the Korebot:
- jamvm.tar - JamVM cross-compiled for the Korebot
- classpath.tar - Classpath cross-compiled for the Korebot (excluding glibj.zip)
- glibj.zip - glibj with some classes deleted to make it smaller
- Using the Katana arm in Java:
- Camera motors (KoreMotorLE): KoreMotorLE.knc - must be copied onto the KoreBot in
to access the camera's pan (KoreMotorLE:PriMotor1
) and
tilt (KoreMotorLE:PriMotor2
) motors using libkorebot or KoalaCamera.class (which ultimately calls libkorebot).
- The camera itself requires an updated spca5xx driver - must be copied onto the Korebot in
The driver can then be loaded by doing modprobe spca5xx
, followed by ln -s /dev/v4l/video0 /dev/video0
. Then the camera can be accessed as an ordinary
Video4Linux device, for example with spca.exe.
- Successfully exporting an object for RMI from the Korebot requires a modified version of gnu.java.rmi.server.UnicastConnectionManager.
- List of planning actions/conditions: terms.txt.
- A picture of a robot.
- Not atypical.