Julien Lange's homepage
Dr Julien Lange
Research Associate
Department of Computing, Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
180 Queen's Gate, SW7 2AZ
Email: j (dot) lange (at) imperial (dot) ac (dot) uk
Office: Huxley 558b
Imperial College Link
I have moved to the
University of Kent, this page is no longer maintained.
About Me
I am a Research Associate in the team of
Nobuko Yoshida in
the project
From Data Types to Session Types -- A Basis for Concurrency and Distribution.
I graduated (BSc and MSc) from the University of Namur,
Belgium, in September 2008 -- Maitrise en Science Informatique, avec Grande Distinction.
After that, I worked for a year in The Netherlands at the
European Space Agency
in the On-board Software Systems section, as part of the YGT programme.
I obtained my PhD from the University of Leicester under the supervision
of Emilio Tuosto,
while working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant.
PC membership:
- Julien Lange and Nobuko Yoshida:
On the Undecidability of Asynchronous Session Subtyping. International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS) 2017 -- LNCS 10203: 441-457 (long version).
- Julien Lange, Nicholas Ng, Bernardo Toninho, and Nobuko Yoshida:
Fencing off Go: Liveness and Safety for Channel-based Programming.
Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) 2017 -- ACM: 748-761 (errata).
- Roly Perera, Julien Lange, and Simon Gay:
Multiparty compatibility for concurrent objects.
Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and communication-cEntric Software (PLACES) 2016.
- J. Lange and N. Yoshida:
Characteristic Formulae for Session Types.
TACAS 2016 -- LNCS 9636, Pages: 833-850 (tool and benchmarks and Springer link).
- L. Bocchi, J. Lange, and N. Yoshida:
Meeting Deadlines Together.
CONCUR 2015, LIPIcs Volume 42, 283-296 (more).
- M. Bartoletti, J. Lange, A. Scalas, R. Zunino:
Choreographies in the Wild.
Science of Computer Programming, Volume 109: 36-60.
- J. Lange, E. Tuosto, and N. Yoshida:
From Communicating Machines to Graphical Choreographies.
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) 2015, ACM: 221-232 (long version).
J. Lange and A. Scalas:
Choreography Synthesis as Contract Agreement.
Sixth Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE) 2013,
EPTCS 131: 52-67.
J. Lange and E. Tuosto:
Synthesising Choreographies from Local Session Types.
CONCUR 2012 -- LNCS 7454,
Pages 225-239.
L. Bocchi, J. Lange, and E. Tuosto:
Three Algorithms and a Methodology for Amending Contracts for Choreographies.
Scientific Annals of Computer Science, Volume 22.1: 61-104.
- L. Bocchi, J. Lange, and E. Tuosto:
Amending Contracts for Choreographies.
Fourth Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE) 2011, EPTCS 59: 111-129.
- J. Lange and E. Tuosto:
A Modular Toolkit for Distributed Interactions.
Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and communication-cEntric Software (PLACES) 2010, EPTCS 69: 92-110.
- R. Blommestijn, J. Lange, C. Taylor, and A. Winton: Proximity-1: Simulating the CCSDS Proximity-1 Protocol for ExoMars. DAta Systems In Aerospace (DASIA) 2009, Volume ESA SP-669.
- F. Benigni, A. Brogi, J. Buchholz, J-M. Jacquet, J. Lange, and R. Popescu:
Secure P2P Programming on Top of Tuple Spaces.
17th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE) 2008: 54-59.
- Emilio Tuosto, Nobuko Yoshida and I have a tool
to construct global specifications (i.e., choreographies) from local specifications (i.e., communicating machines) see our paper and the tool web page.
- I am working on a tool for static deadlock detection for Go with Nicholas Ng, Bernardo Toninho, and Nobuko Yoshida.
PhD Thesis
Available here (reader friendly)
and there (for citation).