Brief Biography
- 2024- : BASF / RAEng Senior Research Fellow in Scale-Bridging Modelling and Optimisation
in Department of Computing, Imperial College London - 2022- : Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Department of Computing, Imperial College London
- 2020-2022: Research Fellow in Department of Computing, Imperial College London
Host: Ruth Misener, Computational Optimisation Group - 2020: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
Thesis: Modeling and optimization of process systems for unconventional technologies and feedstocks
Advisor: Michael Baldea, Process and Energy Systems Engineering - 2019: Visiting Researcher in Process Systems Engineering, RWTH Aachen
Host: Alexander Mitsos, IRTG in Modern Inverse Problems - 2018: Data Science Intern in Pharmaceutical Technical Development, Genentech, Inc.
- 2015: B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University
- 2015: B.A. in Managerial Studies, Rice University
Awards and Honors
▪ 2024: Imperial President’s Medal for Outstanding Early Career Researcher▪ 2024-29: Royal Academy of Engineering Senior Research Fellowship
▪ 2023: CACE Best Paper of the Year (w/ Folch, Lee, Shafei, Walz, van der Wilk, & Misener)
▪ 2022: COIN-OR Cup (w/ Ceccon, Jalving, Haddad, Thebelt, Laird, & Misener)
▪ 2022: AIChE/CAST W. David Smith, Jr. Graduate Publication Award
▪ 2022: Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS)
▪ 2021: Best Paper Award, CPAIOR Conference (w/ Kronqvist & Misener)
▪ 2020-23: EPSRC David Clarke Fellowship
▪ 2020-24: Imperial College Research Fellowship
▪ 2020: Honorable Mention, AIChE Environmental Division Student Paper Award
▪ 2019-20: Texas Exes Pat and Jack Maguire Scholarship
▪ 2019: DAAD (German Academic Exchange) Short-Term Research Scholarship
▪ 2018: Runner Up, AIChE CAST Division Student Presentation Award
▪ 2018-19: University of Texas Graduate Continuing Fellowship
▪ 2018-19: Gulf Coast Power Association (GCPA) David Olver Memorial Scholarship
▪ 2015-19: Cockrell School of Engineering Thrust 2000 Fellowship
▪ 2015-16: T.W. Whaley, Jr. Friends of Alec Endowed Scholarship
▪ 2014-15: Rice University William M. McCardell Scholarship
▪ 2011-13: Texas Instruments Jerry R. Junkins Scholarship
▪ 2011-15: Rice University Trustee Distinguished Scholarship
Peer Reviewing Service
- Conferences (selected): American Control Conference (ACC), IFAC World Congress, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI; SRRAI Meta-Reviewer)
- Journals (selected): AIChE Journal, Applied Energy, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Chemical Engineering Science, Computational Optimization and Applications, Computers & Chemical Engineering, Energy & Buildings, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, ISA Transactions, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Journal of Process Control, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Optimization and Engineering, PeerJ Computer Science, PLoS ONE, Scientific Reports, SoftwareX