
Group - Calvin Tsay

Principal Investigator

Calvin Tsay
Lecturer in Computing

Postdoc, Computing, Imperial College London
PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
BS, Chemical Engineering, Rice University

Email: c.tsay [at]
Links: [webpage] [google scholar]

PhD Students

Becky Langdon
PhD Student, Modern Statistics and Machine Learning
[Oct 2023; co-supervised with Mark van der Wilk]

MS, Computational Sci, Eng, and Maths, University of Texas at Austin
MSci, Physical Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge

Project: Bayesian optimisation for experimental design
Email: b.langdon23 [at]
Links: [linkedin]

Philip Sosnin
PhD Student, Computing [Oct 2023]

MEng, Engineering, University of Cambridge

Project: Optimisation for machine learning models
Email: p.sosnin23 [at]
Links: [linkedin]

Max Bloor
PhD Student, Chemical Engineering
[Oct 2023; co-supervised with Antonio del Rio Chanona]

MSc, Adv Chemical Engineering w/ PSE, Imperial College London
BEng, Chemical Engineering, University of Edinburgh

Project: Data-driven optimisation and process control
Email: max.bloor22 [at]
Links: [linkedin]

Yilin Xie
PhD Student, Computing [Jan 2024]

MSc, Artificial Intelligence, Imperial College London
BSc, Mathematics, University College London

Project: Mixed-integer programming and Bayesian optimisation
Email: yilin.xie22 [at]
Links: [linkedin]

Visiting Researchers

Mujin Cheon
Brain Korea Visiting Scholar
PhD Student, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

BS & MS, Chemical Engineering, KAIST

Project: Multi-step lookahead Bayesian optimisation
Email: m.cheon23 [at]
Links: [linkedin]

Available Positions

Postdoc Position in Stochastic Optimisation and Energy Systems

Postdoc Position in AI for Chemistry

Funded PhD Position in Optimisation and Machine Learning

Funded PhD Position with BASF/Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning CDT
(details tbc; see post for similar position from previous year)

I encourage prospective postdoctoral researchers, PhD candidates, MEng/MSc students, and undergraduate students interested in our research to contact me. Please include a CV and a brief statement of your research interests. For current Imperial students, I regularly post opportunities for independent projects in the Department of Computing Project Portal. I am also open to student-proposed projects–please reach out to discuss.

Alumni and Completed Research Projects