Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are a mathematical framework used to model decision-making problems and are at the heart of reinforcement learning. I want to build a step-by-step understanding of MDPs explaining each component in detail.

Imperial College Machine Learning - Neural Networks
There has been a lot of buzz surrounding neural networks in recent years with achievements made throughout various domains such as computer vision and natural language processing. But what on Earth are they? In these lecture notes and corresponding lectures we will explore, investigate and dissect some of the ideas behind neural networks.

Wishoom: Engineering a system to send messages to the universe
As part of a charity project, I was recently involved in building a platform to send messages to the universe using lasers. It turned out to have a lot of interesting challenges and solutions.
How to use Caddy server certificates for non-http traffic?
Caddy server is a great web server for securing connections automatically using TLS. But it is geared towards HTTP traffic. If you have other services running on the same server that require TLS, you can use Caddy’s certificates for them as well.

How to Setup Grafana and Prometheus with Docker Compose?
With a single docker-compose file, you can setup Grafana and Prometheus to monitor your infrastructure. It is easy to setup and maintain.

Breaking Down Code vs No Code
Should you use no-code platforms for your next project? Here is my experience building a weekend project using no-code and my thoughts on it.
The Spaghetti Code Behind the AI Boom
How much of the AI technology is built on glued together Python code?

Using Vector Databases Beyond Text and Images
Vector databases have been on the rise as a long term storage option for large language models. Beyond the common use cases, there are some interesting use cases for vector based representations and vector databases as a their search engine.

Momentum Workers
If you work in bursts of high efficiency followed by breaks, you could be a momentum worker. Outside of nine to five schedules, I propose the idea of momentum based working and how it fits in with many jobs.
Imperial College PhD Thesis Latex Template
Use this LaTex template for an efficient and up-to-date thesis. It comes with best practices, modern packages with little custom tricks to make it easy to extend.