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Ben Livshits is a Reader (Associate Professor++) at Imperial College London and an affiliate professor at the University of Washington. He is also the Chief Scientist for Brave Software, the maker of a novel web browser with built-in ad blocking, which gives you a faster, more secure and privacy-preserving experience. Please take Brave for a spin or reach out if you'd like to work with us! Previously, Dr. Livshits worked as a research scientist at Microsoft Research (MSR). To learn about Ben's research, please see an overview of some of the themes. Also see his old Stanford homepage. |
I am actively looking for motivated and capable Ph.D. students and post-docs interested in security, privacy, program analysis, and compilers to work with me on a wide range of exciting topics in systems security or programming languages.
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Please send me an email if you think you may be interested. Please use "Ph.D. application" or "Post-doc application" as your email subject line to be considered. Please highlight your existing research experience, including papers published, if any, and also why you'd like to work with me. I try to respond to all email, but cannot always promise it.